BAERT, Anthony (2011), ‘Experiências de transferência de renda universal…'

BAERT, Anthony (2011), ‘Experiências de transferência de renda universal e recomendações para o projeto de Renda Básica de Cidadania em Santo Antônio do Pinhal’…

This timely paper is aimed at contributing to the understanding of the concrete implementation of the Citizen’s Basic Income. Firstly, the author (A. Baert from Louvain University, Belgium) describes the concrete functioning of the three experiences of universal income transfer that have been conducted in the world until today: the Alaska Permanent Fund, the pilot project of the BIG Coalition in Otjivero-Omitara (Namibia) and the pilot project of the NGO ReCivitas in Quatinga Velho (Brazil). For each, Baert distinguishes four aspects of their functioning (institutional structure, funding, eligibility and payment) and analyzes their sustainability. Secondly, on the basis of this comparative research, the author makes recommendations for the implementation of a Citizen’s Basic Income in Santo Antonio do Pinhal (Brazil). Baert concludes that it is not viable on the short and medium term, and he suggests to launch a five-year pilot project instead.

Full references:

BAERT, Anthony (2011), ‘Experiências de transferência de renda universal e recomendações para o projeto de Renda Básica de Cidadania em Santo Antônio do Pinhal’, Center for Studies on Inequality and Development (, Discussion Paper No. 54 – September 2011, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil. The paper is available at:

Arguing About Justice. Essays for Philippe Van Parijs (2011)

A collective volume entitled Arguing about justice has just been published on the occasion of Philippe Van Parijs’s 60th birthday. The book was launched on October 28th, 2011, during the celebrations of the Hoover Chair (Louvain University) 20th anniversary, and remained a complete surprise for Van Parijs himself. The editors Axel Gosseries and Yannick Vanderborght had managed to convince almost 50 authors from all over the world, who all respect Philippe’s ideas and like him as a person, to join this secret project. The authors were asked to write pieces trying out new ideas, taking risks if possible, without knowing anything about who the other authors were, their number, the publisher’s name, the venue for the gift-giving, etc.

The diversity of Van Parijs’s research interests is reflected in the volume, with contributors from various disciplines covering a wide array of issues. Papers on basic income are of course well represented. They consider how and to what extent such a basic income can be justified (Christian Arnsperger & Warren A. Johnson, Samuel Bowles, Paul-Marie Boulanger, Ian Carter, Robert van der Veen, and Karl Widerquist) as well as the prospects of its implementation, based on experiences from France (Denis Clerc), the United Kingdom (Bill Jordan), Brazil (Eduardo Suplicy), or at a more general level (Almaz Zelleke). Among the other authors are Anne Alstott, Bruce Ackerman, John Baker, Joshua Cohen, Jon Elster, Robert Goodin, Claus Offe, John Roemer, Erik Olin Wright, and many others.

The endorsement by Amartya Sen reads as follows: “A book of quick and sharp thoughts on a grand theme is a novel way of paying tribute to a leading philosopher. But it has worked beautifully here, both as a stimulating book of ideas on justice, and as a fitting recognition of the intellectual contributions of Philippe Van Parijs, who is one of the most original and most creative thinkers of our time”.

Further details about the book (including all abstracts) and how to order it online are available at:

Austria: Call for an EU-wide Unconditional Basic Income. European Citizens’ Initiative to Be Launched

Vienna. At the world action day, an international initiative group announced plans to prepare and launch a European Citizens’ Initiative on the implementation of an unconditional basic income in Europe.

Hosted by the Internationaler Runder Tisch Grundeinkommen (international Germanophone round table on basic income), the symposium was held in Vienna on 14/15th October 2011. In the end, 60 scientists, activists and representatives from NGOs adopted a declaration concerning this matter.

At the same time people from all over the world rose up to claim real democracy and fair distribution, and to demonstrate against the power of the financial markets. The attendants of the symposium welcome these protests. If questions of distribution remain unanswered and claims for real democracy are not met, the existing global social inequalities and the hegemony of the financial markets over welfare policies are bound to trigger further crises.

The emancipatory unconditional basic income is perceived as a core instrument that brings about the necessary changes.

  • The unconditional basic income ensures a fairer distribution, completely eradicates income poverty, allows for more freedom and self-determination and strengthens participation in society for all.
  • Being a universal economic right it eliminates social divisions. Debates on envy and welfare fraud as well as bureaucratic systems based on surveillance and control which are extensive, repressive and exclusive will become a thing of the past.
  • The unconditional basic income creates social peace, enhances the right to a life in dignity and promotes the respect of political rights of participation.

(Reference for journalists) For further questions do not hesitate to contact:

Klaus Sambor:
Tel.: (0043) (0) 664-73 43 73 08

Ronald Blaschke
Tel.: (0049) (0) 177 89 41 473

Internationaler Deutschsprachiger Runder Tisch Grundeinkommen (international germanophone round table on basic income)

Netzwerk Grundeinkommen Deutschland
Int. Erich-Fromm Gesellschaft
Attac AG „Genug für alle” (D)
Netzwerk Grundeinkommen und sozialer Zusammenhalt – B.I.E.N. Austria
BIN Italia
Attac Inhaltsgruppe Grundeinkommen (AT)

Further organisations:

Vereniging Basisinkomen Nederland
Initiativ bedengungslost Grondakommes Letzebuerg
Basic Income Network Finnland

GERMANY: WordMob for Basic Income

During the international week for BIG in September 2011 the local Basic Income Network in Hamburg Germany ( created a special performance they call “WordMob”. It means: words to be built in public by big mobile letters. The video shows the group spelling the words “BIG” and “human dignity”. It ends by asking “what kind of work would you choose if you’d get BIG?”

It can be found online at:

Austria/ Vienna: International Symposium “From a compensatory to an emancipatory social policy in Europe“

International Symposium “From a compensatory to an emancipatory social policy in Europe“

Venue: Haus der Europäischen Union, 1010 Wien, Wipplingerstraße 35

Presentation „Minimum income systems: Overview and trends of development – a comparison inside the EU“ – Marcel Fink, University of Vienna

Presentation „Perspectives of a basic income in Europe“ – Ronald Blaschke, Netzwerk Grundeinkommen Deutschland (Basic Income Network Germany) Discussion and additions from other countries

Country teams – situation, discussion Basic Income and possible steps to an basic income in the countries of Europe. Presentation by the country teams Discussion on the assessment of situation with representatives of the EU-Parliament

Presentation „Citizens Initiative. Chances and limits for more Democracy“
MEP Gerald Häfner

Presentation „European Citizens Initiative for a Basic Income in Europe“
Klaus Sambor, Network Basic Income – BIEN Austria

Organized by:
Internationaler Runder Tisch Grundeinkommen (BI networks in Austria, Germany, Swizzerland, Italy); Attac (BI-groups in Austria and Germany)

For further information please contact:

Presentation of new books on BI in Vienna/Austria

Monday, October 17th,2011, 13-17

Library of ÖFSE (Austrian Research Foundation for International Development), C3 – Centrum für Internationale Entwicklung, Alois-Wagner Saal, 1090 Wien, Sensengasse 3

Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen – woher, wozu und wohin?
Werner Rätz, Hardy Krampertz. AG SPAK Bücher 2011
Presentation by W. Rätz and H. Krampertz in German

The Precariat: The New Dangerous Class“
Guy Standing. Bloomsbury Academic Research 2011
Presentation by G. Standing in English

Exhibition on Basic Income

Details (in German):

Please register at: Karin Grabovsky,

Organized by
Netzwerk Grundeinkommen und sozialer Zusammenhalt – B.I.E.N. Austria in cooperation with Library of ÖFSE (Austrian Research Foundation for International Development)

For further information: Agenda Symposium 2011 (PDF-download)