Prospect magazine top fifty thinkers
Philippe Van Parijs has been nominated by Prospect Magazine (UK) as one of the top fifty thinkers for the COVID-19 age. To vote for ‘the godfather of the UBI movement’, as Prospect Magazine puts it, click here.
Philippe Van Parijs has been nominated by Prospect Magazine (UK) as one of the top fifty thinkers for the COVID-19 age. To vote for ‘the godfather of the UBI movement’, as Prospect Magazine puts it, click here.
SUMMARY: This article argues for a citizens’ wages to all income without any obligation, saying such a scheme would go a long way in fighting poverty, and asking why are there no politicians who talk about it. The author presents the idea in general, and asks whether we can afford it, writing about poverty traps and about the moral issue of reciprocity. She concludes; this will be a tremendous help for those who find themselves in the labor market’s external borders, at the intersection of work and social security.
Nanna Kildal, “Hvorfor snakker vi ikke om borgerlønn? [Why dont we talk about Citizen Wage?].” NRK Ytring, 12 July 14.
In a an interview with the daily newspaper Le Devoir (30 June 2014), François Blais – who was appointed Minister of Employment and Social Solidarity after the April 2014 General Election in Quebec – cautiously reiterates his support for basic income. As BIEN was holding its international conference in Montreal, Blais stressed the fact that a thorough reform of Quebec’s social model would be most welcome, provided it would include the introduction of a “guaranteed minimum income” for all. Blais also insisted on the fact that this was not an official statement of the Quebec’s government, but rather his own position on this issue. In 2001, Blais had published an introductory book on basic income in French, which was translated into English in 2002: “Ending Poverty. A Basic Income for all Canadians” (Lorimer Publishing).
The interview can be found here (in French).
On May 25th, 2014, regional, federal and European elections will be held in Belgium. Within the framework of its electoral campaign, the youth section of the Flemish Green Party (Jong Groen) defends 5 key proposals. Among them is the introduction of a Europe-wide basic income: “every European should receive an unconditional monthly payment that shall help him/her to lead a decent life”.
For further information (in Dutch), click here.
On May 28th, 2014, the liberal think tank “Generation Libre” (Free Generation) organizes a conference on its proposed negative income tax (called “Revenu de liberté”, or Freedom Income). The conference will focus on a study by Marc de Basquiat and Gaspard Koenig. The authors will discuss with Lionel Stoleru, who proposed a similar scheme in France 40 years ago.
The conference will take place in Paris, on May 28th at 8:30AM. For further information and registration, click here.