Income To Support All Foundation Reaches $1.5 Million Fundraising Goal

Income To Support All Foundation Reaches $1.5 Million Fundraising Goal

Washington, DC, October 25, 2024 – The Income To Support All Foundation (ITSA), founded by globally renowned Universal Basic Income (UBI) expert Scott Santens, is proud to announce the successful completion of its $1.5 million fundraising goal for 2024. This milestone was achieved through a generous $500,000 grant and a matching $500,000 donation contingent upon raising an additional $500,000, which was accomplished with smaller grants from mission-aligned nonprofits and the help of individual supporters.

Approaching its third year of operation, ITSA Foundation remains committed to its mission “to support ambitious projects that help realize a foundation of unconditional universal basic income (UBI) through research, storytelling, and implementation.” After raising $53,000 in its first year, the Foundation’s success in hitting this year’s ambitious fundraising goal reflects remarkable growth in both reach and fundraising capacity.

To read the full press release, click here.

Did Sam Altman’s Basic Income Experiment Succeed or Fail?

Did Sam Altman’s Basic Income Experiment Succeed or Fail?

The results of one of the biggest basic income experiments ever came out in July 2024, and as usual, the nuances of the findings are lost among the voices of those loudly proclaiming basic income doesn’t work. This one is the three-year pilot of Sam Altman’s that provided $1,000 a month to 1,000 people in Texas and Illinois and compared that group to a control group of 2,000 people who got $50 a month. Every participant was between the ages of 21 and 40. In this article, I will explain the nuances and how the results of this pilot provide some new info but mostly replicate the findings of previous experiments going back to the 1970s and only further demonstrate that what’s at stake here is real freedom and the perceived danger it poses to those who benefit from the widespread lack of that freedom.

To read the full article, click here.

An article to better inform the debate about the amount of UBI

An article to better inform the debate about the amount of UBI

Because Elon Musk has decided to start talking about a concept he refers to as “universal high income” as being different and seemingly better than universal basic income, I feel the need to set the record straight here.

Simply put, universal high income is a universal basic income that is high enough to be considered “high.” Universal basic income is not a low universal income.

As defined by the Basic Income Earth Network, the international organization founded in 1986 to foster informed discussion around the world about the topic of basic income, the current definition of basic income is “a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means test or work requirement.”

To read the full article, click here.

Universal Basic Income: The Truth Explained by a Top Expert

Universal Basic Income: The Truth Explained by a Top Expert

As a leading expert on the topic of unconditional/universal basic income (UBI), a subject area I’ve been focused on now since 2013, I’m constantly trying to correct the same misunderstandings and incessantly debunking misinformation/disinformation spread about the concept and the evidence behind it. I created a slide deck earlier this year for a webinar I was part of to help inform UBI policy discussion in the EU. To help better inform the discussion more widely, especially in the US, I’ve now recorded myself going through the deck providing extra commentary.

Read more and view the video by clicking here.