Guy Standing in Alternative Climate Conference November 19

Guy Standing in Alternative Climate Conference November 19

On Saturday, November 19, the DiEM25 Alternative Climate Conference (COP OFF) will feature a panel discussion about the ideas and principles that must guide a just green transition. Our panel will feature Croatian philosopher and DiEM25 co-founder Srećko Horvat,  Basic Income Earth Network’s Guy Standing, and War on Want director Asad Rehman. Sign up here.

New book on basic income by Malcolm Torry

New book on basic income by Malcolm Torry

Malcolm Torry, BIEN Treasurer, has a new book, Basic Income—What, Why, and How? Aspects of the Global Basic Income Debate just published by Palgrave Macmillan. The book analyzes the global Basic Income debate which is now widespread, and is based on conference papers, previously published chapters, and other previously published articles. Torry discusses the aspects of a debate that are the subject of frequent consultation and discussion. The book is part of the book series: Exploring the Basic Income Guarantee (BIG)

You can read about the book and purchase all of it or individual chapters by clicking here.

Summary Report on the BIEN 2022 Congress

Summary Report on the BIEN 2022 Congress

The 21st annual Congress of the Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN) was hosted in Brisbane, Australia, by the University of Queensland’s Centre for Policy Futures from 26-28 September, in conjunction with the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, BIEN Australia, the Australian Basic Income Lab, and Queensland University of Technology.

Read a summary report on the Congress here.