Deputy Eduardo Suplicy testifies in favor of UBI in Brazil’s Federal Senate

Deputy Eduardo Suplicy testifies in favor of UBI in Brazil’s Federal Senate

BIEN member Eduardo Suplicy, pictured above with BIEN Chair Sarath Davala at the Hyderabad BIEN Congress, testified in favor of a measure implementing a law he authored in 2004 gradually implementing a Citizens Basic Income (UBI) in Brazil. The invited testimony took place on 25 April 2023 in the Federal Senate and on May 7 the newspaper Folha de São Paulo published a slightly abbreviated version of Suplicy’s written testimony that you can read (in Portuguese) by clicking here.

A tribute to Götz W. Werner: New YouTube videos

A tribute to Götz W. Werner: New YouTube videos

Two videos on the legacy of Götz Werner produced by Enno Schmidt have just been published on the FRIBIS YouTube channel: Prof. Bernhard Neumärker draws connections between Götz Werner’s various guiding entrepreneurial principles in his lecture “UBI & New Ordoliberalism“, while Enno Schmidt paints a vivid picture of Götz Werner as an entrepreneur and basic income advocate in his tribute film.

To learn more and view the videos, click here.

Invitation: Will UBI (Really) Change the World?

Invitation: Will UBI (Really) Change the World?

You are kindly invited to a symposium that will showcase the latest findings from Basic Income’s newest pilots in India and Brazil. BIEN’s Sarath, Julio and Diana will present their latest work as well as policy considerations for international development related to this tool.

This one-day event is set for 30 May and will be held at Vienna ‘s Center for International Development in collaboration with the University of Vienna, Austria. 

Program and registration (in person and via Zoom) can be found by clicking here.

Guaranteed Income takes center stage at Tribeca Film Festival!

Guaranteed Income takes center stage at Tribeca Film Festival!

Directed by Marc Levin and executive produced by Mayors for a Guaranteed Income Founder Michael Tubbs, “It’s Basic” will premiere at the prestigious Tribeca Film Festival in New York this June. The documentary explores the power of cash, the importance of dignity, and the ongoing work of providing an income floor through the eyes of our movement leaders – guaranteed income recipients, and Mayors Melvin Carter (Saint Paul, MN) and Sumbul Siddiqui (Cambridge, MA).

You can follow the details of Tribeca Film Festival 2023 and find more information about the film at:

The Guardian reviews “Free Money” film on Give Directly Kenya pilot

The Guardian reviews “Free Money” film on Give Directly Kenya pilot

Image credit:

On 19 April 2023 The Guardian published a review by Peter Bradshaw of the 2022 film, “Free Money”. The documentary follows an experiment funded by the charity GiveDirectly in which residents of the Kenyan village of Kogutu over the age of 18 can opt to receive a universal basic income of $22 per month for the test period of 12 years.