Working Group for Clarification of Basic Income Definition: Call for Contributions

Working Group for Clarification of Basic Income Definition: Call for Contributions

The Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN), at its general assembly in 2019, created the working group for “Clarification of Basic Income Definition”. Since then we have had online open forum including at the online venue of the BIEN congress in 2021 Glasgow and in 2022 Brisbane.

The group hereby makes an open call for contributions to the collective discussion. It expects to have one or two online sessions per month from February to June, 2024. Each online session will run around 90 – 120 minutes, starting with speaker’s presentation(s) with discussions to follow. Each session would host 1 or 2 speakers.

If you are interested in to speak, please show your interest by email both to and, by 23 February. The group might be able to accommodate later submission, but would appreciate earlier submission.

After the working group and speakers agree the date, speakers are expected to send the group a draft paper for their presentation at least a few weeks before the session.

In July, the working group will prepare making a report on the “Clarification of Basic Income Definition”. Papers presented at open forum may be included in the report.

One year of basic income in Minneapolis

One year of basic income in Minneapolis

“A wave of experimentation in the way that U.S. cities, counties, and states support households with low incomes is sweeping the country, and Minneapolis is at the leading edge. While the backbone of America’s safety net—public health insurance, food benefits, and cash or social insurance for specific groups—remains in place, over 100 localities are testing what happens when low-income people are simply provided with income, no strings attached. Minneapolis’ guaranteed basic income (GBI) pilot program, initiated by city officials in 2021, uses federal pandemic support funds to give $500 a month to 200 low-income households for two years. One year in, GBI is creating measurable improvements in people’s lives.”

Read the full article here.

Reports on the Austin, Texas, Guaranteed Income Pilot now available

Reports on the Austin, Texas, Guaranteed Income Pilot now available

The Urban Institute just published its 12-month findings for the Austin Guaranteed Income Pilot, plus a policy recommendations memo for the Austin City Council, which is seeking to understand how direct cash can assist in addressing the city’s housing affordability and homelessness crisis. The memo was produced in collaboration with the Jain Family Institute. See the top three publications on the Urban Institute’s project page for the Austin evaluation.