Bath UBI Beacon and India Basic Income Network Session, 21st March 4-6pm (Paris)

Bath UBI Beacon and India Basic Income Network Session, 21st March 4-6pm (Paris)

“For this session, we will be in discussion with Vibhor Mathur. Vibhor is a Doctoral Researcher at the University of Bath and is a UK and Research Associate at University of Cardiff, UK.

Vibhor studies the transformative potential of basic income through pilots and advocacy in South Asia and Europe. His doctoral research on the the WorkFREE project in Hyderabad, India, focuses on the role basic income can play in the fight for dignity, freedom and decent work.”

To read more and/or register to participate, click here.

The Debate Over the Definition of Basic Income – Online Forum

The Debate Over the Definition of Basic Income – Online Forum

Karl Widerquist will present his new article “the Debate Over the Definition of Basic Income,” via zoom in an online open forum of BIEN’s Working Group on the Clarification of the Definition of Basic Income on March 13 in some time zones and March 14 in others:
Central Time (US): 13 March, 8-9:30pm
Eastern Time (US): 13 March, 9-10:30pm
GMT (UK): 14 March, 01:00-2:30am
Tokyo Time (Japan): 14 March, 10-11:30am.

A video recording of the debate is now available: “The Debate Over the definition of Basic Income,” presented by Karl Widerquist, hosted by Toru Yamamori for BIEN’s Working Group on the Clarification of the Definition of Basic Income. Annie Miller, Michael Howard, Pierre Madden, and others participate in the discussion. Recorded 8pm 13 March 2024 (Central time – USA). To view the debate, click below.

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New Study on a European UBI

New Study on a European UBI

Financed by the European Parliament and written by three Catalonian economists, “The fundamental part of this research means to answer the following question: can UBI be financed by the EU? And more specifically, to answer the key question of how it can be financed, through three taxes: income tax, wealth tax and carbon tax.”

To download the free report in pdf format, click here.

Eight BIEN Podcasts Now Available on YouTube

Eight BIEN Podcasts Now Available on YouTube

BIEN has issued eight approximately one-hour podcasts that are now available on YouTube, and more will be put out in the future. The latest is an interview with Jurgen De Wispelaere by Ahmed ElBas where they discuss various topics and take a look at Latin America for the first time.

To see the full playlist and view any of them, click here.

New Book on UBI: Unconditional Freedom

New Book on UBI: Unconditional Freedom

“As the rich get richer and take more of our wealth, our democratic freedoms are also in danger. The elite are gaining large profits without contributing back to society, hollowing out our public services and institutions and preventing the vast majority of us from living our lives to the fullest.

In Unconditional Freedom, David Casassas argues that for us to live freely, we need unconditional resources such as Universal Basic Income. In a sharp and lucid analysis, he shows that UBI would not only liberate us from the nightmare of social exclusion and precarious employment, it would also increase our bargaining power as individuals and collectives, opening doors to democratise our lives.”

To learn more and/or purchase a copy, click here.