by Pau Bofill Sala | Aug 9, 2021 | Chinese
Pau Bofill Sala |2021 4 21|专题,新闻
超过三分之二的威尔士人赞成在该国进行基本收入试验。这项民意调查包括一千多名受访者,受威尔士后代事务专员Sophie Howe委托,由Survation进行。
智库Autonomy正与后代事务委员会一道努力,使基本收入试验得以进行。Autonomy的联席董事Will Stronge声称,这对为每个人提供财务安全至关重要,尤其是在当前的危机时期。“在威尔士普及基本收入的时候到了”,Stronge说。
威尔士对于基本收入的呼声已并不新鲜,要求推行这些举措的也不仅仅是后代事务委员会和智库Autonomy。 2020年,在第一波COVID-19流感大流行期间,国内最大的民族主义政党Plaid Cymru呼吁紧急启动全民基本收入(UBI),最近,该党表示支持通过文化基本收入来支持文化(发展)。在地方一级,Swansea和 Rhondda -Cynon-Taf 委员会(RCT)通过了支持试点试验的提议,而 Cardiff 委员会的领导人则表示对这一措施感兴趣。
Translation into Chinese by Chunzhuo Zhang
The original article in English can be found here
by Pau Bofill Sala | Jun 8, 2021 | Featured, News

Mark Drakeford, Wales’ new First Minister, announced soon after the Senedd elections in May that the government will launch a basic income trial in the country. As Basic Income News mentioned over a month ago, the support for trialing basic income in the country has greatly increased and Drakeford has confirmed that a pilot will be launched soon.
Jane Hutt, recently appointed as Minister for Social Justice, will be in charge of the supervision of the project. There is still no definitive information regarding the funding and date of implementation of the pilot, but the government’s commitment is firm. “A basic income pilot is one of the specific responsibilities of our new social justice minister. It will have to be carefully designed, it will draw on the experience of attempted pilots in Scotland, but I have a very long standing interest in basic income”, Drakeford said. “We’ll do it on a cross-party basis. There are 25 members of the Senedd in different parties who have expressed an interest in it,” he added.
The Future Generations Commissioner for Wales, Sophie Howes, said that the launching of the pilot shows an “incredibly significant commitment by the First Minister to tackling Wales’ poverty and health inequalities,” and that this trial shows that small countries can lead big policy changes.
Jonathan Rhys Williams, from UBI Lab Wales, said that “this is a huge moment for the basic income movement in the UK and around the world.”
Wales to launch pilot universal basic income scheme. Steven Morris (The Guardian), 14 May 2021
‘Incredibly significant’: First minister commits to basic income pilot in Wales. Nation Cymru, 14 May 2021
by Pau Bofill Sala | Apr 21, 2021 | Featured, News
Over two thirds of Wales is in favour of a basic income trial in the country. The poll, carried out by Survation and commissioned by Sophie Howe, Future Generations Commissioner for Wales, included over a thousand respondents.
Ahead of the country’s general election in early May, Future Generations is pressuring the Welsh government towards implementing more progressive measures destined to protect the economic and labor interests of the younger generations of the country, which have been remarkably affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Among these policies they included a petition to start a basic income trial.
According to Howe, a basic income could be highly beneficial for the Welsh. Howe states that a basic income could successfully address the issues that the welfare stated has failed to tackle (increase in poverty, automation and unstable jobs). Howe claims that “a basic income could be that stronger safety net which keeps people from falling through the cracks of support now and in the future.”
The think tank Autonomy is working alongside Future Generations to make the basic income trial happen. Will Stronge, co-director of Autonomy, claims that is critical to provide financial security to everyone, especially in these times of crisis. “The time has come for a universal basic income in Wales”, Stronge demands.
Calls for basic income in Wales are not new and Future Generations and Autonomy are not the only ones demanding the implementation. In 2020, during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, Plaid Cymru, the biggest nationalist party in the country, called for an emergency UBI and, more recently, the party has expressed support towards a cultural basic income to support culture. On a local level, the councils of Swansea and Rhondda Cynon Taf (RCT) have passed motions in support of piloting the trial, while the leader of the council of Cardiff has expressed interest towards the measure.
Read the full article here.
A translation into Chinese can be found here.