UBI Europe webinars

UBI Europe webinars

UBI Europe is to hold webinars. They say this about them:

Europe and the world under the siege of a virus: Difficult days to cope with for the most of us. At the same time, we begin to realise – the world might never be again like before the epidemic. Will Basic Income become part of the post-Corona world order?

To explore this and related questions, but also to give you proper facts and analysis rather than second hand headlines, UBIE is starting a new experiment: From this week on, we are going to invite you every Sunday at 5pm CEST for a “Basic Income Tea” – a one-hour online talk with various guests from all over Europe on subjects related to the Corona crisis and UBI.

In the first edition, on Sunday, 26 April we are going to ask: “Has the EU shown solidarity in the Corona crisis?” With Stanislas Jourdan (Executive director, Positive Money Europe) and Francois Denuit (Policy Advisor, European Parliament) , moderated by Alessandra Bianchi (Vice-Chair, UBIE), we will take a thorough look at the EU institutions’ reactions and policy packages adopted or discussed. We will also be discussing alternatives on the table like eurobonds, helicopter money, and basic income.

Want to meet other basic income advocates, share your thoughts via live chat, and be able to put your questions to our guests? Then please register here until Saturday, 25 April, 6pm, so we can send you the connection details for the video conferencing tool (most likely Zoom)!

However, if you just want to listen and enjoy, you can also watch the live stream on the UBIE website and on our social media channels (FacebookTwitterInstagramYouTube) starting Sunday, 26 April, 5 pm CEST.




