CANADA: A Guaranteed Income is the Way of the Future, Says Minister Blais.

The Quebec Minister of Employment and Social Solidarity, François Blais, has publically said that the Canadian province of Quebec would benefit from establishing a basic income. While the present provincial government has no official plans to adopt this policy, Blais maintains it is being considered, with the goal of ensuring a better redistribution of wealth. He has said that this type of reform should be gradual, and that it is quite possible that this reform could take 20 or 25 years. The Minister does not intend to take action to put this reform in place, but has announced his support for it nonetheless.

For more information on Blais’ position, see:

Mélanie Loisel, “Le revenu garanti est la voie de l’avenir, croit Blais” [A guaranteed income is the way of the future, Blais believes]. Le Devoir, June 30, 2014.

François Blais

François Blais


Stan Jourdan, “L’inconditionnel – journal sur le revenu de base” [The Unconditional – Newspaper about Basic Income]

The article, located on a fundraising site, describes a new French news publication that is being launched to explore different aspects of basic income through articles, interviews, and reports of workshop proceedings. The release date is set to coincide with the 7th Annual International Basic Income Week, September 15-20, 2014.



Language: French

Stan Jourdan, “L’inconditionnel – journal sur le revenu de base” [The Unconditional – Newspaper about Basic Income]. Pick and boost,  No date.