Stanislas Jourdan, “Le precariat: [The precariat: A class in the making]”

SUMMARY: This article discusses the concept of a precariat, the “social class in the making” which the author describes as arising from increasing unemployment and underemployment. The concept signifies a unification of two previously identified groups: the precariously employed and the proletariat. The author argues for basic income as a way to solve the issues this emerging precariat is facing.

Stanislas Jourdan, “Le precariat: <<Une classe sociale en devenir>> [The precariat: A class in the making]” Le Souffle C’est Ma Vie” October 1, 2010.

Language: French. Creations pour un revenue de base, “Un revenue pour la vie [Income for Life]”

SUMMARY: This article introduces the reader to a new French documentary on basic income, and more specifically, on the French Movement for Basic Income.  It provides a detailed synopsis of the plot and the main characters. The authors report that the film asks the right questions about how our society could be organized differently.


Language: French

Creations pour un revenue de base, “Un revenue pour la vie [Income for Life]” Revenu de Base. February, 2014.