Amanda Johnson, “Bitnation Will Test Whether Basic Income is Actually Workable”

SUMMARY: The author announces the launch of an application that runs on Bitnation to allow for users to contribute to and benefit from a basic income, using the app. The article describes the app as a way of voluntarily sharing money, without taxation, that could pay for a basic income for those who need it.

Amanda Johnson, “Bitnation Will Test Whether Basic Income is Actually WorkableCointelegraph. December 27, 2014.

VIDEO: Revenu de base, “Le revenu de base face aux défauts du RSA [A basic income in light of the RSA]”

SUMMARY: This short video cites problems with the existing French social welfare system, Revenu de solidarite active (RSA), including: the paperwork required under the current model; the stigma; and issues with incentives, use, and stability in a fluctuating revenue situation. The video agues for basic income as a way to solve the problems faced with the current RSA program.

Revenu de base – France, “Le revenu de base face aux défauts du RSA [A basic income in light of the RSA]” Youtube. October 11, 2014