by Harry Pitts | Oct 15, 2014 | Research
In this this interview with Sarah Jaffe, Naomi Klein explains how the basic income can help move communities towards greener ways of living by making possible productive activities and relationships with nature that are not dependent upon presently existing economic motives.
The full article is available here:
Sarah Jaffe, “Naomi Klein on
Cause of Climate Crisis: “Capitalism Is Stupid””, Truthout, 24th September 2014
by Harry Pitts | Oct 14, 2014 | News
Guy Standing, Manos Matsaganis, Nikos Chrysogelos, “Basic Income: A vision for the future”, Youtube, 26th September 2014
by Harry Pitts | Oct 13, 2014 | News
[F. H. Pitts]
In Iceland, the Pirate Party have tabled a congressional statement calling upon the welfare minister to consider the institution of a basic income on a national level. Three of the party’s MPs have asked the minister to begin mapping ways in which such a scheme can be rolled out. They were motivated to do so by the moral and ethical arguments of Thomas Paine and Bertrand Russell in favour of such a measure, and the growing body of evidence on the changing economy and the effects of automation upon the workforce. More details can be found here:
Haukur Már Helgason, “Pirates Propose Guaranteed Basic Income”, Grapevine, 8th October 2014

by Harry Pitts | Jul 1, 2014 | Research
Simon Thorpe, “Fixing the system with a basic citizen’s income”, Simon Thorpe’s Ideas on the Economy, 19th January 2014.

Simon Thorpe