by Harry Pitts | May 4, 2014 | Research
In this comment piece, John Harris of the Guardian suggests that the demand for a basic income should form a part of new centre-left political agenda better suited to the changed social and economic territory of the twenty-first century.
John Harris, “The Tories own the future – the left is trapped in the past”, The Guardian, 2nd April 2014.

Photograph: Alex Dellow/Getty Images
by Harry Pitts | May 3, 2014 | Research
J. Hughes, “Embrace the End of Work”, Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies, 24th February 2004.

J. Hughes
by Harry Pitts | May 2, 2014 | Research
Malcolm Henry, “How To Fund A Universal Basic Income (Without Scaring The Horses)”, Basic Income UK: Towards an emancipatory welfare, 11th February 2014.

How To Fund A Universal Basic Income (Without Scaring The Horses)
by Harry Pitts | May 1, 2014 | Research
Thomas G. Clark, “Universal Basic Income from a libertarian perspective – A labour market analysis”, Another Angry Voice, 27th March 2014.

Universal Basic Income From A Libertarian Perspective
by Harry Pitts | Apr 30, 2014 | News
[F. H. Pitts]
Campaigners are aiming to build upon the 285,000 signatures collected by a recent official EU effort, targeting the recruitment of a further million EU Citizens to support the initiative using the website Avaaz. Standing at around 62,000 signatories at the time of writing, when the petition reaches its target it will be delivered to the European Commission.
For more information see:
Avaaz/Koen van H., “Our Chance to End Poverty”, Avaaz, 30th December 2014.

Our chance to end poverty