German: Enno Schmidt, « Ein Einkommen zur Bekämpfung der Mafia » [An Income to combat the Mafia]

Language :German

With the words, « An Income to combat the Mafia,» Enno Schmidt reports on a debate held in November 2015 in Roma inside the Istituto di Cultura Svizzera a Roma.

From evolving the theme « crime and economy » and the concerns it raises, this paper emphasizes the will of individuals and organisations, especially the Catholic church, for « an income of dignity».

For more details on this report, see:

CANADA: Saskatchewan’s New Democrats, Canadian Medical Association, and Advisory Group on Poverty Reduction Endorse Guaranteed Income Pilot Project


Saskatchewan’s New Democrats have endorsed a guaranteed basic income pilot project and are currently lobbying the provincial government to begin a limited distribution of a guaranteed income. The New Democrats are willing to accept either an unconditional basic income or a negative income tax. The endorsement and the subsequent effort to implement a guaranteed income came on the heels of a report from the Advisory Group on Poverty Reduction recommending a pilot project. The Canadian Medical Association has also expressed support for such a measure.

For more information on the potential Saskatchewan guaranteed income pilot project, see:

NDP Caucus Administration, “New Democrats call for a guaranteed basic income pilot project“, September 02, 2015.

Kevin Boyd, “A negative income tax beats both the minimum wage and welfare”

The word unemployed changed to employed on torn paper

The word unemployed changed to employed on torn paper

Kevin Boyd, an associate policy analyst at the R Street Institute, authored a post directly comparing the negative income tax, a variation of the basic income guarantee, to traditional welfare and the minimum wage. Boyd contends that a negative income tax would avoid the potential for job loss and price hikes caused by the minimum wage while avoiding the pitfalls of the current welfare bureaucracy. Boyd advocates for an income threshold set at 130% of the poverty line, which would amount to a guaranteed minimum income of $30,711.20. W-9 forms would be collected monthly and payments would be calculated each month based on the previous month’s income. Paired with the abolition of the minimum wage, Boyd believes that unemployment can be greatly reduced without an increase in poverty thanks to the negative income tax.

For the entirety of Boyd’s post, see

Kevin Boyd, “A negative income tax beats both the minimum wage and welfareR Street Institute, September 12, 2014

Mytheos Holt, “Why doesn’t the left push a universal basic income?”

Raised Fist in Protest

Raised Fist in Protest

Mytheos Holt, who is now a senior fellow at the Institute for Liberty and a contributor for the The Federalist and The Libertarian Republic, contributed a post for the R Street Institute’s blog chastising the American Left for not advocating for a universal basic income. Holt argues that, unlike a minimum wage, a universal basic income would pose no direct cost on businesses while still effectively giving America pay raise. Holt also contends that the Left may be able to distance itself from Obamacare by striking a bargain with the Republicans to replace Obamacare with healthcare subsidies that can achieve the goals of the Affordable Care Act without the negative public perception. Holt notes throughout his article that conservatives and libertarians can and should agree to a universal basic income as a compromise on entitlement reform.

For the entirety of the post, please visit

Mytheos Holt, “Why doesn’t the left push a universal basic income?R Street Institute, February 24, 2014

M.D. Schuster, “Wärmesteine – Ein Roman zum Bedingungslosen Grundeinkommen” [Heat Wave Rocks – A novel for an unconditional basic income]

German Writer M.D. Schuster recently published her new book Wärmesteine. The futuristic novel is set in a society where the survival is secured by an unconditional basic income. It portraits a family with members of two very different nations and deals with questions about identity, freedom and limitations as well as dependencies that have remained.  The book can be downloaded for free here or purchased from bookshops.

Language: German

M.D. Schuster, “Wärmesteine – Ein Roman zum Bedingungslosen Grundeinkommen” [Heat Wave Rocks – A novel for an unconditional basic income], August 2015

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