Raised Fist in Protest

Raised Fist in Protest

Mytheos Holt, who is now a senior fellow at the Institute for Liberty and a contributor for the The Federalist and The Libertarian Republic, contributed a post for the R Street Institute’s blog chastising the American Left for not advocating for a universal basic income. Holt argues that, unlike a minimum wage, a universal basic income would pose no direct cost on businesses while still effectively giving America pay raise. Holt also contends that the Left may be able to distance itself from Obamacare by striking a bargain with the Republicans to replace Obamacare with healthcare subsidies that can achieve the goals of the Affordable Care Act without the negative public perception. Holt notes throughout his article that conservatives and libertarians can and should agree to a universal basic income as a compromise on entitlement reform.

For the entirety of the post, please visit

Mytheos Holt, “Why doesn’t the left push a universal basic income?R Street Institute, February 24, 2014