Call for participation: Working Group for Clarification of Basic Income Definition
The Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN), at its general assembly in 2019, created the Working Group for Clarification of Basic Income Definition. Since then we have had online open forum, including at the online venue of the BIEN congress in 2021 Glasgow and in 2022 Brisbane, and had an hybrid open forum at the 2024 Bath Congress. We are going to finalize our discussions by our Congress in August this year in Brazil.
We would like to make an open call for the final round of collective discussion. We expect to have several sessions from March to May. Each online session run around 90 – 120 minutes, started with speaker’s presentation(s) with discussions following. Each session would host 1 or 2 speakers. If you are interested in speaking, please show your interest by email both to anniemillerBI@gmail.com and toruyamamori@gmail.com, by 20 February. We might be able to accommodate later submission, but we would appreciate earlier submission.
After we and the speakers agree on the date, we expect speakers will send us a draft paper for their presentation at least a few weeks before the session. In June and July, the working group would work for making a final report on the ‘Clarification of Basic Income definition’. Papers presented at open forum might be attached to the report as appendicies.