by Andre Coelho | Jan 17, 2015 | News

Credit to: Adam Smith Institute
In Britain, it is argued, the present welfare system does not work. To eradicate poverty, emancipate workers and raise working standards, the UBI is defended. To finance it, according to the Citizen’s Income Trust, only 2% over the cost of the welfare system for 2012-2013 would be needed.
Robin McGhee, “Opinion: Universal Basic Income is the way forward for the Liberal Democrats“, Liberal Democrat Voice, December 19 2014
by Andre Coelho | Jan 16, 2015 | News

Credit to: Andrew Miller/The Jersey Journal
In the USA, institutions practice the traditional charity program of turkey and coats distributions on Thanksgiving. The author criticizes this practice as inefficient and ultimately not addressing root causes for poverty. Instead, direct income support and food stamps is suggested for alleviating poverty in the USA.
Diane Pagen, “Helping the poor must extend beyond the usual holiday turkey, coat drives: Opinion“, Star-Ledger, December 8 2014
by Andre Coelho | Dec 31, 2014 | Research

Image of the meeting in Athens. Source: El Mundo.
The Spanish newspaper El Mundo, in its online version, reports on the first summit of the Unconditional Basic Income Europe (UBIE), which took place in Athens on the past 28th of September. In this event, several top economists and activists which defend the unconditional basic income have participated, such as Stanislas Jourdan, Guy Standing and Lluís Torrens.
Carlos Fresneda, “¿Una renta básica europea? [An european basic income?]“, El Mundo, September 28 2014
by Andre Coelho | Dec 30, 2014 | Research

John Muellbauer
Oxford Economics professor John Muellbauer elaborates a rational justification and a simple application plan for giving each EU citizen a 500 €, no strings attached, monthly payment. The money would be printed in the European Central Bank and simply given to registered citizens in the eurozone.
John Muellbauer, “Quantitative easing for the people“, Project Syndicate, November 7 2014
by Andre Coelho | Dec 30, 2014 | Research

Guy Standing
Guy Standing answers questions on social questions faced by eastern European countries, namely Poland, and particularly on basic income.
Language: English with link to Polish translation.
Maciej Szlinder, “The Strategy for Basic Income: Interview with Guy Standing.” Czasopismo Naukowe, 13 November 2014