VIDEO: Albert Wenger, “A BIG idea, a bot idea – how smart policy will advance tech”

Means testing reflects the conditionality of many social security systems around the world. The article lists some cases of recipients who ended up dead in part due to benefit withdrawal, concluding that this social ail can only be resolved with an unconditional basic income, removing conditionality from the system.
Scott Santens, “Fit for work and fit to die“, Medium, December 11 2014
Results from this recently published article show that basic income within all Spanish territory can be financed at approximately 7500 € per year for each adult person and 20% of that value for each child. The authors state none of the basic state functions (e.g.: education, health) need cuts in order to finance basic income, with reforms in taxation and savings from all benefits already given by the state, which need not exist when the basic income is implemented, paying for its implementation.
Language: Spanish
Jordi Arcarons, Antoni Domènech, Daniel Raventós, Lluís Torrens, “Un modelo de financiación de la Renta Básica para el conjunto del Reino de España: sí, se puede y es racional [A basic income finance model for all Spanish Kingdom: yes, it can be done and is rational]“, Sinpermisso, December 7 2014
The author distinguishes “weak” and “strong” (economic) pre-distribution. The former amounts fairly to what already exists in some countries (welfare state); the latter consists in the unconditional basic income (UBI). The article defends that it is the “strong” pre-distribution which may more drastically promote social equality, justice and freedom.
Language: Portuguese
Roberto Merrill, “Pré-distribuição [Pre-distribution]“, Económico (online), September 19 2014
Latest events about the death of African-American men, after encounters with the police, have generated flamed discussions in the USA. However, extreme poverty seems to be the underground generator of situations like this. In response, the universal basic income is discussed as a ground-breaking solution to this pervasive social problem.
Adam Cowden, “Moving forward after Ferguson and Staten Island“, Huffpost Students, December 10 2014