“Exciting news! The Social Policy Initiative (SPI) is thrilled to share a groundbreaking new report titled “The Economics of Implementing Basic Income in South Africa.” This research, authored by renowned financial journalist Duma Gqubule, explores the potential impact of a universal basic income (UBI) on South Africa’s economy.
Join the discussion:
Launch event: 14th February 2024, between 5:30PM and 7:00PM at the Fountains Hotel, Cape Town.
Presentation: Author Duma Gqubule will personally present the research, followed by responses from Brenda Sibeko, DDG of Social Development, and Aliya Chikte of AIDC.
RSVP: Secure your spot by RSVPing to https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_19qykM99RAeKmKlLD0LJjg#/registration
This research, made possible by ACTSA.”