When: Friday 5th January 2024, 14:00 – 15:30

Where: Oxford Real Farming Conference 2024, Blue Boar House, INTER-VARSITY ROOM

Facilitators: Hamish Evans, Dot Tiwari, Jake Richardson & Kathleen Pollitt
Speaker: Guy Standing

“From labourers to landowners, livelihoods in agriculture are often precarious. A lack of funded pathways into farming makes careers in producing food both hard to access and difficult to sustain. Finding ways to support these livelihoods will be critical to building the resilient, sustainable and just local food systems we need. This is an interactive workshop as well as the launch of the campaign, with initial insights from a year of hosting conversations with farmers around the UK. BI4FARMERS is a campaign created by a fresh working group of growers, farmworkers, farmers, academics and union co-ordinators. The aim of the campaign is to encourage farmers and food producers to discuss possible solutions to the financial barriers they face.”

To learn more and book online tickets, click here