The FRIBIS Annual Conference 2023 from Oct. 09 – Oct. 11 will focus on Care & Gender as fundamental dimensions of human societies. It is dedicated to research, approaches and the possible interactions of care & gender in context of the Unconditional Basic Income (UBI). Although care and gender have many intersections, they have unique characteristics and specificities that necessitate separate consideration. Therefore, FRIBIS welcomes contributions which address the theme of care and gender separately or in tandem.

For more information visit the FRIBIS website.

Highlights (Keynotes & Panel Discussion)


Prof. Dr. Almaz Zelleke (NYU Shanghai): “Toward a Gender-Inclusive Social Policy State

Prof. Dr. Ben Trott: “A Queer Case for the Basic Income at Our Current Conjuncture: Political Philosophy, Individual Rights and De-Individualisation

Mag. Margit Appel: „Zusammendenken: Arbeit – Care – Grundeinkommen

Panel Discussion

Care-Ökologie und das Grundeinkommen: eine komplexe Beziehung“ mit Prof. Dr. Ute Fischer (Moderation) und den Gästen: Mag. Margit Appel, Prof. Dr. Georg Cremer, Dr. Christine Rudolf & Prof. Dr. Sascha Liebermann.