Malcolm Torry has been asked by Edward Elgar Publishing to write a book with the title A Research Agenda for Basic Income. To ensure that what he writes will be as useful and comprehensive as possible, he would like to receive as many answers as possible to the question:
What research is now required?
Please keep your submissions to no more than 100 words and send them by the 28th February 2022 to
He will use the submissions to create a consultation paper on which further consultation can then take place.
Your reward will be a mention in the acknowledgements.
Dr. Malcolm Torry is a Visiting Fellow at the Institute for Policy Research at the University of Bath, the treasurer of BIEN, author of a number of books about Basic Income, and editor of the Palgrave International Handbook of Basic Income:
The question I think needs to be answered is why do some people oppose UBI? Especially those that would benefit the most from it? And What can be done about it?
I think maybe it would be good to have a basic income with the only condition being the level of independent income. It doesn’t make sense to me to make a payment to people who don’t need it.
It’s very simple. You give it to everybody and those who earn enough to pay taxes return it (the tax system would include a provision for that). This means it can be done directly to debit cards without any bureaucracy. Otherwise you need an organization to determine who needs it and who doesn’t, which defeats an essential part of the purpose.
Research on what will people do if you give them UBI? My research shows some fascinating fun things?
Another topic is ” How would education change because of UBI?