Activists from different currents of the Basic Income movement in Germany convened in Munich on Sunday, 25 September, to found a new political party, Bündnis Grundeinkommen (“Basic Income League”, called “BGE Partei” for short).

The party’s only objective is the introduction of an Unconditional Basic Income in the country. At present, 14 persons, representing 10 of Germany’s 16 federal states, form the party’s executive. Bündnis Grundeinkommen aims to take part in the elections to the German federal parliament in 2017. This will require the creation of additional sections in the other federal states as well as the collection of signatures that are required to allow participation in the elections.

Ronald Trzoska, a member of the German Pirate Party, is the initiator and the first president of the new party. (The Pirate Party, which acquired 2.2% of the votes in the federal elections of 2013, already supports Basic Income.) Trzoska and other founders have expressed confidence in their ability to have Basic Income discussed during the political process of the federal elections. They admit, however, that obtaining a seat in the federal parliament does not seem realistic at this time.

Links and more information (in German):

– BGE Partei (Facebook).  

– Bündnis Grundeinkommen (Facebook).

– Laura Freisberg (26 September 2016) “Ihr habt ‘ne Partei, lacht mal!” BR Bayern.

– Sascha Liebermann (14 September 2016) “Deutschland bekommt seine allererste BGE-Partei” Freiheit statt Vollbeschäftigung

Reviewed by Kate McFarland

Photo: First Board of Bündnis Grundeinkommen