[Josh Martin]
Martin Bohmeyer, a 29-year-old web developer in Germany, has been living on a self-imposed basic income for the past half of a year. He crowdfunded this basic income and after seeing its effects firsthand, Bohmeyer is now crowdfunding even more to finance other peoples’ basic incomes. His initiative, “Mein Grundeinkommen” has already raised enough for almost two full basic incomes of €12,000 per year. Bohmeyer encourages his website visitors to submit their information to possibly be one of the winners of a basic income. The winners are to be chosen at random, but this project has generated responses from people saying what they would do with a basic income.
For more information, read the following links:
“Should we all get €12,000 a year?” The Local, 25 July 2014.

Should we all get €12,000 a year? (Source: The Local)
this sounds amazing i look forward to hearing what the results are.
i would move to the tropics and live in the hills off grid making beautiful paintings 24-7, now i work fulltime, at jobs that have no meaning to me in order to to pay rent to have a small apartment, so i have a place to go when im not at work to paint almost full time, my social life is where ever i work because my painting time is so important to me that i can hardly bare to spare any for any reason other than getting groceries. im sure this will be an amazing experience for those lucky enough to be chosen
I am 76 years old and have a guaranteed Social Security income. This pay s the bills, but leaves little discretionary dollars. I want to make a difference in this world and have written a book titled “15 Seconds to World Peace”. If I had another $1,300 a month, I would self publish and send copies to every member of Congress and heads of state all over the world. I would also make myself available to lecture and promote the idea of how to create both personal peace and world peace.
Here is another one. https://www.gofundme.com/augmq4sk