by Karl Widerquist | Jun 18, 2014 | Research
ABSTRACT: The paper sets out a proposal for the reform of the income security system in an independent Scotland. It proposes the development of a system where all Scottish citizens would receive a minimum income – Basic Income Security. This is a working paper, we welcome comments, we will produce a final version in partnership with the Scottish Campaign for a Fair Society. In summary the paper argues for:
- Integration of tax and benefits
- Pro-family approach to tax and benefits, supporting families in all their forms
- Simplified tax and benefit calculations (into one set of questions)
- Security by means of universal, non-means-tested, entitlement
- Fair rates of taxation, removing extreme taxes on the poorest
- Human rights, embedded in a new constitution for Scotland
- Public committee to shape core entitlements, open to submission and scrutiny
Simon Duffy and John Dalrymple, “Basic Income Security.” The Centre for Welfare Reform (UK), 2013.
by Karl Widerquist | Jun 18, 2014 | News
An activist calling himself “Corrupt Bstard” has established a political party called, “The BIG Political Party” in the United Kingdom (UK). The party aims to use the UK’s Universal Credit System to pay every Resident Adult Citizen £11,375 a year in Unconditional Basic Income Guarantee. Although even some Basic Income activists dismiss the BIG Political party as a one-man operation, the party’s website promises, “We will field a BIG Political Party candidate in every constituency in the next UK General Election.”
For more information, see the BIG Political Party’s website.

Campaign Poster from the BIG Political Party
by Josh Martin | Jun 16, 2014 | Research
[Josh Martin]
Coppola dissects issues in the tax credits system in the UK, claiming that it fails to reflect the flexibility of the labor market, especially for self-employed individuals. Coppola then goes on to say that the Universal Credit will not make things any better and that the ideal solution would be a universal basic income.
Frances Coppola, “Hounding the Poor“, Pieria, 30 May 2014.

by Karl Widerquist | Jun 16, 2014 | News
The Ctitizen’s Income Trusts (the BIEN affiliate in the United Kingdom) 2014 Conference, “Citizen’s Income: a solid foundation for tomorrow’s society,” held on Friday 6th June 2014 at the British Library, has been captured on video and posted on the Occupy London website. A report will be will follow later.
The main speakers included: Natalie Bennett (Leader of the Green Party), Dr. Tony Fitzpatrick (Nottingham University), John McDonnell MP, and Professor Guy Standing (SOAS); the panel members: Neal Lawson (Compass), Bert Schouwenberg (GMB), Kat Wall (New Economics Foundation), Natalie Bennett (Green Party), and Chris Goulden (Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Eight videos from the conference are available at:
Citizens Income Trust, “Citizen’s Income Trust Conference 2014: Livestream,” Occupy London. recorded June 6, 2013, posted June 8, 2014.

Citizens Income Trust
by Karl Widerquist | Jun 13, 2014 | News
The Pirate Party is a movement that has been making gains in European elections. Its main goals involve the freedom of information and the freedom from surveillance, but Pirate Party platforms also usually involve strong support for the freedom of the underprivileged. Most, if not all, Pirate Party’s support BIG. The Pirate Party of the UK has followed suit, but its support has been highly qualified. The Party website gives many arguments in favor of bit, but announces support for it only as a long-term goal and then heavily qualifies that support, “However there are significant hurdles to the implementation of such a system, including the need for comprehensive research into the social and economic impact it would have and whether it can be affordable. We think it is likely that such a programme is possible but would have to be reached incrementally. As such we propose funding trials to establish how such a system could be implemented.”
For more info go to: Pirate Party UK: “Moving toward a Citizen’s Income.”

The Pirate Party