“Changing employment trends and universal basic income” (The Saturday Paper)”

Mike Seccombe, National Correspondent for The Saturday Paper, reported on the recent championing of a universal basic income (UBI) by those interested in the cause and concerned about  “wage inequality at record highs and technology plundering jobs.” In particular, the article focuses on the support for UBI shown by Elon Musk.

Musk is heavily invested and involved in the technology world: he founded Tesla, an electric car company, and SpaceX, a private rocket engine and spacecraft builder. He has a net worth reported at $11.5 billion.

There is “a pretty good chance we end up with a universal basic income, or something like that, due to automation,” Musk said.

The article goes on to talk about interest in UBI in general in Silicon Valley, the impact of automation on the labor market, and recent changes in education and job creation.

Read the full article here:

Mike Seccombe, “Changing employment trends and universal basic income”, The Saturday Paper, Dec 17, 2016.
