Marcus Brancaglione, “Renda Básica Universal já não é mais um assunto tão maldito assim [Basic Income is not an issue so damned anymore]”
The under title of this article is: “Not in Quatinga Velho, not in all places in the world. Except one: here in Brazil”. Marcus opens the article exposing the partiality of Brazilian media, who stubbornly refuse to refer the pioneering basic income experience at Quatinga Velho. But it seems those days are over. In a style heavily loaded with irony, Marcus “thanks” Big Media and Big Politics for everything they never did for the basic income movement in Brazil. Near the end, he concludes: “(…) we have learned that nothing is given to whom doesn’t belong to the “family”, everything has to be gained: from rights to recognition. From basic income to our place in the world.”
More information at:
Marcus Brancaglione, “Renda Básica Universal já não é mais um assunto tão maldito assim [Basic Income is not an issue so damned anymore]”, Medium, July 27th 2016