Jorge Valero (Bruselas), “Gana fuerza el debate sobre la renta básica universal en Bruselas” (Winning debate on universal basic income in Brussels)

Jorge Valero (Bruselas), “Gana fuerza el debate sobre la renta básica universal en Bruselas” (Winning debate on universal basic income in Brussels)

Jorge Valero (Bruselas) reports that digitization is a “recurring theme in Brussels.” He points to the need to adapt the welfare states.


Bruselas says this is part of a public debate around “collaborative economics, advanced robotization, artificial intelligence or the so-called internet of things,” which was previously avoided as a topic in the public. He notes the new public debate is part of a “rethinking of social protection systems” with universal basic income as part of the “most ambitious proposals.”


As the article reports, Marianne Thyssen, employment commissioner of the EU, said, “It is crucial to pay close attention to these changes [in the world of work] and ask ourselves how we can strengthen labor laws, social protection and labor market institutions to withstand the test of the digital economy and support people to seize the best opportunities.”


If you want to read (Spanish) more, here:


Jorge Valero Bruselas. Gana fuerza el debate sobre la renta básica universal en Bruselas. El Economista. November 13, 2016.

Image Credit: El Economista.