Salerno, Italy, 17th November 2012: Presentation of BIN Italia last book

BIN Italia last book, entitled Reddito minimo garantito, un progetto necessario e possibile [Guaranteed Minimum Income, a feasible and necessary project] (published by Edizioni Gruppo Abile), has been presented in Salerno at Spazio Donna on November 17th. The book is the result of a research carried out by BIN Italia. It looks at the experiences of guaranteed minimum income in force in many European countries, it tells about the experimentation of implementing a guaranteed minimum income in some Italian regions, and finally it suggests a possible way to implement a national law on guaranteed minimum income in Italy by making suggestions and proposals, giving insights, and providing analyses.

Luigi Narni Mancinelli, member of Comitato per il Reddito Minimo Garantito [Committee for Guaranteed Minimum Income], Luca Santini, President of BIN Italia and co-author of the book, Mario Avoletto, member of the social centre Officina 99, and Loredana Marina, who is the Provincial Secretary of PRC – Partito della Rifondazione Comunista [the Communist Refoundation Party] in Salerno took part in the debate that followed the book presentation.

Taranto, Italy, 16th November 2012: Presentation of BIN Italia last book

BIN Italia last book, Reddito minimo garantito, un progetto necessario e possibile [Guaranteed Minimum Income, a feasible and necessary project] published by Edizioni Gruppo Abele has been presented in the city of Taranto on Novemer 16th. The event has been organised by Comitato  Cittadini e Lavoratori Liberi e Pensanti [Committee of Free and Thinking Citizens and Workers], a local association formed by workers at ILVA in Taranto – Italy’s biggest steelworks – and residents to demand health and jobs. Luca Santini, President of BIN Italia, took part in the discussion.

Napoli, Italy, 14th November 2012: Public Meeting on Precarity and Basic Income

A public meeting on precarity and basic income has been held on November 14th at the Cultural Centre “La città del Sole” in Naples. The meeting represented an occasion to talk about precarity and the various declinations of basic income (universal basic income, citizens’ income, and guaranteed minimum income) on the very same day of the European General Strike against the E.U.’s austerity policies. The meeting has been organised by ALBA [Alliance of Labour, Public Goods and the Environment] – a new political formation launched by academics, writers, lawyers, trade unionists and others to the left of the Italian Democrats. The event has been attended by  Giuseppe Allegri (Bin Italia), Roberto Ciccarelli (author of La Furia dei Cervelli [The Fury of the Brains]), Stefano Iannillo (Uds – Union of Students), and Catia Uccello (Link-Students’ Union). The debate has been coordinated by Prof. Alessandro Arienzo, a historian of political thought at the University of Naples “Federico II”.

Castel Madama (Italy), 13 November 2012: The Right to Work and the Right to Basic Income

A conference entitled “The Right to Work and the Right to Basic Income” has been held at the Council Chamber in the City Hall of Castel Madama, a municipality in the Province of Rome, Italy, on the 13th November 2012. The event included a series of speeches given by spokespersons of grassroots social organisations, members of unions and political parties. The Conference represented an occasion to release figures and statistical data on job losses, job cuts and workers’ resignation to finding a new job. Also, it included the screening of the video entitled Se potessi avere… [If I could have…] which highlights stories and accounts by unemployed, precarious workers and workers on redundancy payment in the municipality of Castel Madama.

The speakers included Maria Pia Pizzolante who is a spokesperson of TILT – a grassroots social organisation – Sandro Gobetti who is the coordinator of BIN Italia, Canio Calitri who is the General Secretary of the union FIOM-CGIL Lazio, and Paolo Cento who is a member of the political party SEL – Sinistra Ecologia Libertà (Left Ecology Freedom). The presence of organisations with different political background ensured a balanced conference where advocates for workers’ rights and proponents of basic income could share their views. The event has been organised by the political party SEL (Left Ecology Freedom)

Spoleto (Italy), 10 November 2012: Talk about Guaranteed Income

The political and cultural association Umbrialeft has organised a meeting entitled “Talk about Guaranteed Minimum Income”, that was held on the 10th November 2012 in Spoleto, Italy. The meeting was attended by Sandro Gobetti, coordinator of BIN Italia and Alessandra Massari who is the coordinator of the political party SEL – Sinistra Ecologia Libertà (Left Ecology Freedom) in Spoleto. The event has been coordinated by Stefano Vinti.

In recent years, in Italy, despite the misery of the Italian welfare state and social protection system an innovative and lively debate on these issues has developed. Although Italy is, along with Greece, the only European country lacking a universal income support scheme many scholars have managed to mix the different levels of the debate on basic income in an original and promising way.  The proposal of a popular initiative bill on guaranteed income in Italy that has been launched in June 2012 (and that continues to gather great support) will end in December 2012. The objective is to collect at least fifty thousand signatures but much more can be done. Collecting thousands of signatures results in a very important political and social signal both for Italian society and politics. The campaign in favour of guaranteed minimum income represents therefore a great opportunity to boost a new era of social rights.