Toru Yamamori, “Why Basic Income Now? Limitations of the Japanese Welfare State”

Yahoo Japan, a Japanese online news site features Basic Income. In the first article written by Toru Yamamori, he explains failure of the Japanese Social Security systems. The article also contains information on Guy Standing talk on Basic Income at the International Sociology Association in Yokohama.

Toru Yamamori, “Why Basic Income Now? Limitations of the Japanese Welfare State,” Yahoo Japan News, July 11, 2014.


Discussion of a Possible Basic Income Pilot Project in the Netherlands

Discussion of a Possible Basic Income Pilot Project in the Netherlands

Guy Standing, honorary co-President of BIEN, visited Groningen, Netherlands in the last week of January 2015 to discussing with locals the possibility of launching a pilot basic income scheme around there. He does not know yet whether the project will happen, but he says, the group seems very grounded, and the man on the council in charge of social policy seems keen. The discussions were filmed by public Dutch TV with the programme due to be put out in March 2015.