German pirates entered Saarland federal state parliament

The Pirate Party in Germany achieved another success. It gained 7.4 percent in their first participation in the Saarland state election on March 25, 2012 and entered the federal state parliament thus. The German Pirate Party has become known for its support of an unconditional basic income as solution for the heavily criticized existing German social system.

More information about the Pirate Party and the election can be found online at:

Germany: Film project – The BIG Change

Unconditional Basic Income and Real Democracy lay the foundation for a society, in which we will live together in a free and creative way. The exceptional film project THE BIG CHANGE focuses on the spirit of the times producing an exciting political thriller. Designed as a non-profit-project, the future audience participates in the feature film, is a substantial part of it and will be able to view the film as a free download after completion. The new way of cooperating is finding its way into the film business and opens the way to a balanced society. System change on many levels – be part of it!

THE BIG CHANGE – the idea for this feature film existed long before it became a world-wide public movement. Till Schmerbeck [Resist! Intern Rebellion| Aufstand der Praktikanten] produces a political thriller after a screenplay by writer and director Peter Benkowitz.

  • 100% free of government funding and government requirements
  • 100% free of political ploys
  • 100% non-profit
  • 100% free download

The film creates awareness, supports a new way of thinking and the active participation in a socially just society. The volatile topic of distribution of power in our democracy, the forceful keeping of outdated structures from the last century – there are many reasons to question our system. We show a way to change it.

More Information and how to participate:

Munich, Germany: 14th Congress of the Basic Income Earth Network: Pathways to a Basic Income

The 14th Congress of the Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN) will take place on September 14 to 16, 2012 in Munich, Germany. The website is online at:

Call for Papers, Proposals, and Events

Deadline for submissions, April 15, 2012

The debate about an unconditional basic income has attracted public attention in a number of countries in recent years. Financial, debt, and ecological crises are causing growing numbers of people to look for political alternatives to the existing economy and the way income is distributed within it. With the debate entering this crucial phase, the 2012 BIEN Congress will discuss possible pathways and barriers towards establishing and implementing Basic Income. This year, the Network Basic Income Germany (Netzwerk Grundeinkommen Deutschland) is organizing the conference.

We propose that the conference focuses on the following questions:

  • What could a specific roadmap to Basic Income look like, nationally and internationally? What contribution could pilot projects make towards the implementation of Basic Income? Which reforms would need to be prioritized? What barriers need to be overcome, and how?
  • Is there evidence for broader public support for a basic income? What are current Basic Income debates and social movements focusing on? What political and civil society alliances are possible and potentially productive?
  • How do Basic Income debates relate to the current financial and debt crisis? Could a Basic Income contribute to combating the effects of this crisis and prevent future crises? What criteria would the concept of Basic Income have to meet to make such a contribution?
  • How does Basic Income relate to the ecological crisis? How could it contribute to an alternative, more sustainable economy and way of life? Which conceptual design would be most appropriate from that perspective?
  • Which versions of Basic Income are viable (with respect to the ecological, social and economic crises), affordable, and politically feasible?
  • What is the normative justification for Basic Income, and what goals does it aim to achieve? How do these goals respond to current economic, environmental and social problems?

The conference aims to present an opportunity for an open, interdisciplinary discussion of the problems and questions surrounding Basic Income. The above questions are not intended to set strict boundaries, but to facilitate open and thematically wide-ranging discussions.

We invite all interested groups and individuals, both advocates and critics of Basic Income, to submit abstracts for presentations, workshops, and posters. Subject to constraints on space, film-screenings and readings will also be possible. Proposals of up to 400 words should be submitted in German or English by 15 April 2012 at

The conference program will be compiled from all submissions by 15th May 2012. All those who have made a submission will receive a message shortly afterwards. If you have any questions please contact us at

Further information on the conference fee, accommodation and travel can be found at the website.

Kind Regards,

Academic Advisory Group for the 14th BIEN Congress:
Prof. Dr. Claus Offe, Dr. Milena Büchs, Dr. Ingmar Kumpmann, Dorothee Schulte-Basta, Ronald Blaschke
Berlin, 3. Februar 2012

Germany: New website with English materials and texts

The German Basic Income Network (Netzwerk Grundeinkommen) has extended its website to include some English material. It hopes to offer more material in English step-by-step.  So far, the English text includes a definition of Basic Income; the structure, work and aims of the German network; an overview about models and approaches to Basic Security and Basic Income in Germany and France; and materials of the symposium, held in October 2011 in Vienna.

– Joerg Drescher


EUROPEAN UNION: EU-Wide Initiative for an Unconditional Basic Income

At the world action day, an international initiative group announced plans to prepare and launch a European Citizens’ Initiative on the implementation of an unconditional basic income in Europe. Hosted by the Internationaler Runder Tisch Grundeinkommen (international German-speaking round table on basic income), the symposium was held in Vienna on 14/15th October 2011. In the end, 60 scientists, activists and representatives from NGOs adopted a declaration in favor of this initiative. For more information on the initiative, please contact:

Klaus Sambor <> and
Ronald Blaschke <>