Jacobi & Strengmann-Kuhn (2012), Pathways to a basic income

The proposal of a basic income is intensely debated internationally as well as in Germany. While – up to now – the debate mostly concentrated on normative issues the discussion on pathways to a basic income is still at the beginning. The edited volume with contributions in German and English will contribute to the emerging debate on most likely and realistic pathways to a basic income.
In the first section of the book the debate on pathways to basic income is located in a broader framework of social reform strategies and developments. In the second section different proposals on first steps towards a basic income are discussed. The last section deals with model projects and social experiments. The volume includes contributions of Stephan Lessenich, Philippe van Parijs/Yannick Vanderborght, Dirk Jacobi, Sebastian Duwe/Milena Büch/Nicholas Bardsley, Ulrike Herrmann, Katja Kipping, Wolfgang Strengmann-Kuhn, Franz Segbers, Götz Werner/André Presse, Susanne Wiest, Johannes Terwitte and Guy Standing.

Full references: Dirk Jacobi/Wolfgang Strengmann-Kuhn/Bildungswerk Berlin der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (eds.), 2012, Wege zum Grundeinkommen, Berlin: Bildungswerk Berlin der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung.

The book is available for free download.