Podcast on Basic Income #5 (13/11/11)

Respective Links:
0:33 The United Kingdom – David Jenkins

1:02 Ireland – Basic Income Ireland Network

1:33 Switzerland – Tom Boland

2:00 Switzerland

2:23 Switzerland – The citizen’s initiative has been formally accepted

2:56 Germany – World Movement of Christian Workers

4:02 Kenya – Cash to the poor: Pennies from heaven

5:00 European Union – Croatia, Sweden and Portugal

5:57 Book Review – Karl Widerquist

7:18 Brazil – Opinion of Eduardo Suplicy

You can reach us via Twitter: https://twitter.com/BINews

Charo Castelló “WMCW International Plan of Action ‘for a Universal Basic Income’”

WMCW International Plan of Action

WMCW International Plan of Action

[Aynur Bashirov]

The article published in the World Movement of Christian Workers (WMCW), talks about their meeting with the motto of “conducting a more just, fraternal, and sustainable society” where they decided that in order to reach the outcome of their motto, they need conduct a Universal Basic Income (UBI) awareness campaign. Analyses by many WMCW delegates around the World showed that many families living on Earth are living in poverty and do not have even the minimum means to make their ends. In the light of the current crisis, argues the article, there is a growing unemployment and inability to offer jobs and these problems cannot be tackled by current economic policies. There is a need to offer something different, such as UBI, which is, as its name suggests, universal (offered without condition to everyone) and basic (enough to fulfill basic necessities). The UBI is already on the agenda of several international institutions such as United Nations (UN) and European Union (EU).

Charo Castelló “WMCW International Plan of Action ‘for a Universal Basic Income’.” World Movement of Christian Workers, 18th September 2013.

Podcast on Basic Income #4 (13/11/04)

Respective Links:
0:33 United States – Dissident Voice

1:03 United States – David Graeber

1:32 Switzerland – French-speaking Swiss radio network

2:05 Switzerland – Enno Schmidt

2:27 European citizens’ initiative petition

3:00 Uganda – Christopher Blattman

3:31 Croatia, European Union, Slovenia

4:00 United Kingdom – CIT

4:18 Cyprus – Malcolm Torry

You can reach us via Twitter: https://twitter.com/BINews

EUROPEAN UNION: Slovenia becomes second country to reach the target signatures for the Basic Income European Citizens Initiative

[Craig Axford]

On October 24th, Slovenia joined Croatia to become the second EU nation reaching the required number of signatures on the Basic Income Initiative in Europe.  If the initiative receives one million signatures and receives the required level of support in at least seven EU member nations, the EU will evaluate a basic income guarantee in Europe.

For more information, see the following web page: Slovenia has become the second country to reach the target, Basic Income Initiative in Europe, October 24, 2013.