by Karl Widerquist | Apr 27, 2013 | Research
MacLean’s, Friday, April 19, 2013
Guaranteed (Basic) Income has been featured in an article in the prominent Canadian newsmagazine Maclean’s. According to the author, “Fresh analysis of an old program shows that a guaranteed annual income kickstarts health.”
It’s online at:

Steve Russell/Toronto Star
by Karl Widerquist | Apr 16, 2013 | Research
Elizabeth May, the leader of the Green Party in Canada and an MP in British Columbia recently endorsed basic income. The endorsement of a “Guaranteed Livable Income” came through a press release on October 17, the United Nations (UN) International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. May’s press release reminds her audience that the Green Party is the only political party in Canada to advocate for a basic income as a means to eradicate poverty. The endorsement occurring on the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty is an apt response to the UN resolution for all member states to create and implement concrete strategies to eliminate poverty.
More about her remarks can be found online at:
by Karl Widerquist | Mar 7, 2013 | News
Wallace Klinck, “Social Credit, Unemployment and Leisure–an address”
This 45-minute YouTube lecture discusses the economic system known as Social Credit, which includes a form of Basic Income Guarantee. The lecture was originally delivered by Wallace Klinck, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on March 8, 1971. The YouTude “video” includes audio and the text of the speech. It’s online at:
by Karl Widerquist | Jan 22, 2013 | News
The registration is open for the North American Basic Income Guarantee Congress, May 9 – 11th, 2013, in New York City.
This event is co-organized by the Basic Income Canada Network and the United States Basic Income Guarantee Network.
Featured speakers for this year’s NABIG Congress include:
Sheri Berman, Barnard College, author of The Primacy of Politics: Social Democracy and the Making of Europe’s Twentieth Century Jurgen De Wispelaere, McGill University, co-editor of The Ethics of Stakeholding. Carole Pateman, UCLA and Cardiff University, co-author of Basic Income Worldwide: Horizons of Reform David Casassas, University of Barcelona, co-editor of Basic Income in the Age of Great Inequalities James Riccio, MDRC, co-author of “Toward Reduced Poverty Across Generations: Early Findings from New York City’s Conditional Cash Transfer Program” Darrick Hamilton, The New School, co-author of “Can ‘Baby Bonds’ Eliminate the Racial Wealth Gap in Putative Post-Racial America?”
Registration for the congress through our host the Eastern Economics Association is now open at
Scroll down to the bottom of the registration options for the USBIG rates, which are US$155 for those employed by an academic institution, and US$95 for all others. The registration deadline is March 15th, 2013.
Registration for hotel rooms at the congress venue, the Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel, 811 Seventh Avenue (at 53rd Street), is now open at
The EEA negotiated group rate is available through April 7th, 2013, but is subject to availability, so early booking is advised.
Further information on the Congress can be found at
(Please note that the deadline for paper proposals has passed.)
by Citizens' Income Trust | Jan 7, 2013 | Opinion
BIEN now stands for ‘Basic Income Earth Network’. Once every two years BIEN holds a congress, and this year’s showed just how appropriate the name now is and how inappropriate it would be to still call it the ‘Basic Income European Network’. There were participants from South Africa, Namibia, India, Japan, South Korea, the United States, Canada, Latin America, and numerous European countries. Over three hundred in all gathered for forty-eight hours of plenary sessions, workshops and panels: often six different workshops and panels at one time, with three or four speakers each, to enable all of the papers to be delivered and discussed.
The congress was titled ‘Pathways to a Basic Income’. There was a sort of pattern to the timetable. Friday’s sessions were largely on the current state of the debate, Saturday on routes towards implementation of a Citizen’s Income, and Sunday on a Citizen’s Income’s relationships with such vital themes as ecology, rights, justice, and democracy: but nothing is that tidy, and each day contained a wide diversity of presentations and discussions touching on all of those areas.
The high point was a set of presentations by Guy Standing and representatives of India’s Self Employed Workers Association on the Indian Universal Cash Transfers pilot project and on some of the interim results. Of all of the sessions that I attended this one got by far the longest applause. The other high point, though a rather lower key presentation, was the significant story of Iran’s Citizen’s Income told by Hamid Tabatabai during one of the panel sessions.
The Congress was a quite inspiring mixture of the visionary and the realistic, of the broad-brush and the detailed, of the theoretical and the practical, and Germany’s Netzwerk Grundeinkommen (Basic Income Network) is to be congratulated on organising such a highly successful event.