Research posts

Here you will find notices about research and research results relating to Basic Income

CANADA: Green Party Leader Endorses Basic Income

Elizabeth May, the leader of the Green Party in Canada and an MP in British Columbia recently endorsed basic income. The endorsement of a “Guaranteed Livable Income” came through a press release on October 17, the United Nations (UN) International Day for the...

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Stephen Fortunato, “The Fraud of Jobs”

[USBIG - April 2013] Stephen Fortunato, “The Fraud of Jobs,” Buddhist Peace Fellowship. February 25, 2013 This article exposes what the author sees as the widely held misconception that the creation of jobs is the motivating objective behind most U.S. economic policy....

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Flassbeck, Heiner, Friederike Spiecker, Volker Meinhardt and Dieter Vesper, Frankfurt, Westend Irrweg Grundeinkommen: Die große Umverteilung von unten nach oben muss beendet werden [The Basic Income Aberration: The Great Redistribution from Bottom to Top Must be Ended]

This book argues against the change of income distribution in the last decades (the great redistribution from bottom to top・, but it also reject the basic income as a solution. Flassbeck, Heiner, Friederike Spiecker, Volker Meinhardt and Dieter Vesper (2012),...

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Basic Income

A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement. Read more

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