Research posts

Here you will find notices about research and research results relating to Basic Income

Linda Raven, “Basic Income Grant in Namibia”

Linda Raven, an American who works in Namibia teaching visiting university students, uses this blog to discuss Karl Widerquist’s two talks on BIG in Namibia in September. Raven contrasts the two talks—one given at a symposium hosted by the central bank, the other...

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Francine Mestrum, "Basic income: a solution?"

In this opinion piece (in Dutch) published on 27 August 2013 by, Francine Mestrum (a lecturer in social sciences in Antwerp, Belgium) scrutinizes the pros and cons of a basic income. In the end, she remains quite skeptical, as she stresses the...

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Bob Lord, “Basic Income Guarantee”

This op-ed piece in the Tucson Citizen argues for a Basic Income Guarantee. The author, Bob Lord, writes, “We've reached a level of national income that we have the means to do so. The real question is whether we have the morality to do so.” Bob Lord, “The Basic...

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Basic Income

A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement. Read more

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