Research posts

Here you will find notices about research and research results relating to Basic Income

David Jenkins, “Why Reciprocity Might be Bullshit”

[Craig Axford] In this blog the author questions the conventional standards of reciprocity.  Recent economic downturns have left too many people seeking opportunities to reciprocate by ‘contributing’ in the usual way, via a traditional job.  BIG will empower people to...

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Citizen’s Income Trust Citizen’s Income News Letter

The Citizen’s Income Trust (BIEN’s affiliate in the United Kingdom) has released the third issue of the 2013 volume of the Citizen’s Income Newsletter. It contains editorials, news, and nine book reviews. Citizen’s Income Trust Citizen’s Income News Letter 2013, issue...

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Basic Income

A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement. Read more

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