Podcast on Basic Income #3 (13/10/28)

Respective Links:
0:34 Stumbling and Mumbling “Why not a basic income?”

0:54 United Kingdom – Tom Streithorst

1:22 Denmark – Philippe Van Parijs

2:20 The United States – USA Today

2:38 The United States – Matt Bruenig

3:12 Canada – BIEN congress

3:59 Belgium – De Morgen

5:20 Europe – Guy Standing

5:43 Switzerland – Daniel Haeni

You can reach us via Twitter: https://twitter.com/BINews

Podcast on Basic Income #2 (13/10/21)

Respective Links:
0:35 United States – Occupy

1:11 United States – Blog of Peter Frase

1:30 United States – Rich Smith

2:01 United States – Interview with Karl Widerquist

2:32 Canada

3:05 Clarification on ELF

4:25 Europe – EU Signature Counter

4:51 Belgium – Philippe van Parijs

5:25 Switzerland – Anne-Béatrice Duparc’s Opinion

You can reach us via Twitter: https://twitter.com/BINews

Martin, Melissa, International Perspectives on Guaranteed Annual Income Programs

ABSRACT: Addressing the issue of poverty in Canada is an important challenge to policymakers. Establishing an income floor below which no citizen falls is a critical public policy goal for the Canadian welfare state. In responding to this policy issue, recent debate has revolved around a guaranteed annual income (GAI), defined as a basic income paid by the government to all citizens on an individual basis, without means test or work requirement. The purpose of this paper is to analyze past and present GAI programs to inform the public policy debate on the implementation of a GAI in Canada. Among the factors under consideration are the program’s efficiency in targeting payments, as well as its effect on family structure and labour force participation. On an implementation level, the paper also explores the potential for introducing a GAI through a negative income tax. It is also important to note, however, that relatively few GAI programs exist currently, and those that do, often are not sufficient alone in providing income maintenance to citizens.
Martin, Melissa, “International Perspectives on Guaranteed Annual Income Programs,” Queen’s Policy Review, Volume 2, No. 1 (Winter 2011), pp. 49-61

Broadbent, Ed, “Begin by hiking tax credits for working poor”

In this opinion piece, Ed Broadbent, former leader of the New Democratic Party, argues that Canada should take a small step in the direction of a basic income or a negative income tax by increasing the federal Working Income Tax Benefit, which provides a very modest tax credit to Canadians who work but still have very low incomes.

Broadbent, Ed, “Begin by hiking tax credits for working poor,” the Chronicle Herald, June 28, 2013.

BIEN Congress: June 26-29, 2014

The Fifteenth International Congress of the Basic Income Earth Network will take place in Montreal, Quebec on June 26-29, 2014. The Basic Income Canada Network (known in French as Reseau Canadien Pour Le Revenu Garanti) will host the Congress. The theme of the Congress will be “Re-Democratizing the Economy.” More details about the Congress will be released gradually over the coming months. United then, conference organizers recommend, “Save the date.”

More details of the Congress soon appear on the BICN website.