Chris Ladd, “How to End the Welfare State”

From the perspective of a committed member of the U.S. Republican Party,in this article Chris Ladd argues that a basic income has something for Republicans and Democrats. Chris Ladd asks, “How would Republicans react to a proposal that would eliminate the food stamp program, shut down welfare, slash the state and federal workforce, replace Social Security, and end the minimum wage? How would Democrats respond if that same program extended the social safety net across the entire scope of the population, eliminating poverty and fueling opportunity in under-developed areas?”

Chris Ladd, “How to End the Welfare State,” GOPlifer: Which way is right? The Houston Chronicle, August 6, 2013



Baukje Hilarides, “Is het onvoorwaardelijk basisinkomen haalbaar in Nederland? [Is introduction of the UBI in the Netherlands feasible?]”

[Robin Ketelaars – Vereniging Basisinkomen]

In a thesis of the study in Dutch Law at the Open University of the Netherlands 2012, (now Mr.) Baukje Hilarides investigated the possibilities and bottlenecks in the implementation of the Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) (OBi in Dutch) in Netherlands. Is the Unconditional Basic Income achievable in the Netherlands? Her answer is: “Yes, because the UBI is line with the Constitution and does not appear to be inconsistent with Article 1 ECtHR FP[1]. The UBI is also affordable and can positively influence society and the economy”. It will find the author’s current commitment to full employment obsolete, because the automation unemployment will increase rather than decrease. The conclusion at the end of the thesis is that the introduction of the UBI in the Netherlands is feasible. However, extensive research is needed before one can implement the UBI

Baukje Hilarides, “Is het onvoorwaardelijk basisinkomen haalbaar in Nederland?” Open University, Leeuwarden 2012:


Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, Time for an Economy Of, By and For the People

This article argues for basic income as a response to technological unemployment, The authors write, “because of increases in technology that replace workers, we need to face a very important reality that is never discussed – there may never be enough jobs.”

Zeese, Kevin and Margaret Flowers, “Time for an Economy Of, By and For the People,” Global Research, June 25, 2013

Tim Worstall, “An Unconditional Basic Income Is The Solution But The Important Word Here Is Basic”

Forbes, one of the top business magazines in the United States is now discussing Basic Income (BI). Tim Worstall, a regular contributor to Forbes on business and Technology writes “a universal basic income … would solve many of our economic problems. It’s not quite the miracle panacea but it is still pretty good all the same.” He argues against the claim that technological unemployment will make BI a necessity, but argues in favor of it on the basis of eliminating the huge effective marginal tax rates experienced by people with little or no private income.

Tim Worstall

Tim Worstall

Tim Worstall, “An Unconditional Basic Income Is The Solution But The Important Word Here Is BasicForbes, July 12, 2013

Krugman, Paul – Sympathy for the Luddites?

Wolfgang Müller – BI News

Paul Krugman

Paul Krugman

Paul Krugman discusses in this article the effect of technological development on unemployment for low skills as well as high skills workers. This effect can be seen everywhere in the world and increases inequality. He concludes that the old dogma of education “is no longer the answer to rising inequality“. A “strong social safety net” net is required, which guarantees a minimum income.

Krugman, Paul “Sympathy for the Luddites?New York Times, June 13, 2013