Roderick Benns, “Mayor of Iqaluit says basic income policy would bring dignity to northern territory.”


SUMMARY: Mary Wilman, the mayor of Iqaluit, discusses the challenges specific to the capital of Nunavut. Job scarcity, food costs, and lack of recognition of traditional lifestyles under current employment frameworks are all presented as reasons why a basic income may be the best solution for Wilman’s community and communities like hers throughout Northern Canada. The full article is available here.

Additional articles by Roderick Benns are available here.

Mario Charette, “Un revenue minimum garantit la liberté” (“Basic income secures freedom”)



The francophone Métro newspaper in Canada has run an in-depth article promoting a universal basic income in its careers advice section.

The article by job-market and study-choice expert commentator Mario Charette provides a rundown of pro-BIG arguments, including widespread automation, stagnant wages in jobs that are crucial for society and the foregone family benefits of shorter working weeks.

The article’s main finishing argument is that an unconditional basic income would make studying more fulfilling as students would no longer be forced to choose courses based solely on income prospects, which Charette says is increasingly happening in the United States.

Language FRENCH:

Mario Charette, “Un revenu minimum garantit la libertéJournal Métro (Canada), 11 August 2015.

Jo-Ann Roberts, “Let’s make sure food security is an election issue”

Jo-Ann Roberts, “Let’s make sure food security is an election issue”

Roberts is standing as the Green party candidate in Victoria, Canada. In this blog post, Roberts discusses issues facing Canadians like food scarcity and the increased dependence on food banks. The Green party supports a basic income guarantee, and Roberts thinks it could solve many of these issues.

Jo-Ann Roberts, “Let’s make sure food security is an election issue”, 13 July 2015.

Roderick Benns, “Federal election would be a great time to have a discussion about basic income, says Saskatoon mayor”

Roderick Benns, “Federal election would be a great time to have a discussion about basic income, says Saskatoon mayor”

Four-term Mayor Don Atchison of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, believes that the upcoming election could be a great time to discuss a basic income guarantee. He joins the mayors of Edmonton and Calgary in recently discussing the possibility of a basic income guarantee in Canada.

Roderick Benns, “Federal election would be a great time to have a discussion about basic income, says Saskatoon mayor”, Leaders and Legacies, 9 July 2015.