Götz Werner and Adrienne Goehler, 1000€ für Jeden: Freiheit, Gleichheit, Grundeinkommen [€1000 for each person: freedom, equality, Basic Income]

Götz Werner and Adrienne Goehler, 1000€ für Jeden: Freiheit, Gleichheit, Grundeinkommen [€1000 for each person: freedom, equality, Basic Income] Ullstein, 2010, 267 pp, pbk, 978 3 548 37421 5, £6.56

It is unusual for us to review foreign language books in the Citizen’s Income Newsletter, but an exception surely has to be made for this German book which has been a consistent bestseller, significantly in the ‘business’ category. 1 (Because the book’s content is so tightly tied to the German context it is unlikely to be translated into English, which is why we are reviewing the German text rather than waiting for an English translation.)

The first part of the book discusses the German political context and the Citizen’s Income debate within it. This is followed by sections on what the authors take to be essential elements of the definition of a Citizen’s Income: large enough to cover subsistence needs; for every individual; without means-test; and without work-test. Objections are then answered, particularly in relation to labour market participation. An interesting section uses the fact that most lottery winners remain in the labour market as important evidence. The concept of ‘work’ is then broadened beyond the labour market, and a variety of imagined personal situations show how a Citizen’s Income would promote diverse kinds of work.

Werner is a successful entrepreneur, so perhaps it is not surprising that rather too much space is then given to how workplaces have changed during the past few decades and how they might be further humanised with the help of a Citizen’s Income. Even more space is then given to the German education system and how it might be reformed.

The authors discuss implementation of a Citizen’s Income scheme, and suggest that it should be paid first for children and young people and then to older people (largely because women’s historically low labour market participation means that they are often ill-prepared financially for old age). An interesting section suggests that the income security we need was once provided by the family but now cannot be, and that only a Citizen’s Income will be able to fill the gap.

A chapter on the results of the Namibian Citizen’s Income pilot project contains too much about microcredit.

1000€ per month is a lot of money. The authors intend to pay for a Citizen’s Income this large through taxing consumption rather than income and by abolishing most other government expenditure. They write rather too much about consumption taxes and are somewhat unrealistic about the level at which they might be collectable. Whether we would wish to abolish other public expenditure to the same extent in the UK, in which we already have a universal National Health Service and universal free education based on the same principles as a Citizen’s Income, is rather doubtful.

But the authors are right to ask for radical change. We are no longer a ‘self-help’ agrarian society. We now rely heavily on other people’s work, and therefore belong to a ‘stranger-help’ society. This is a huge paradigm shift, and it suggests that a welfare system based on self-help, as social insurance is, really does now need to be replaced by a system based on ‘stranger-help’, the purest form of which can only be a Citizen’s Income.

This is a somewhat rambling book. There are long sections on matters with only oblique relationships to the Citizen’s Income proposal, and the authors frequently return to issues already discussed. A forceful editor might have prevented the authors from expatiating on their rather irrelevant enthusiasms, and could have helped them to create a more concise, more connected, and better ordered book: but what is really interesting is that this holdall of a book should have become such a best seller. I suspect that this is because within it the magnitude of the changes facing our society are expressed with some feeling, and a proposal radical enough to respond to those changes, and sufficiently feasible for implementation to be conceivable, is expounded with equal feeling. This is above all an enthusiastic book by authors who believe that real change is possible.

Thoroughly recommended to anyone with enough German to read it.


Widerquist, Karl, Independence, Propertylessness, and Basic Income: A Theory of Freedom as the Power to Say No

Independence, Propertylessness, and Basic Income

Independence, Propertylessness, and Basic Income

According to the publisher, “Freedom is commonly understood in two different ways: the absence of restriction or interference (scalar freedom) and the absence of slavery or oppression (status freedom). Independence, Propertylessness, and Basic Income argues that philosophers have focused too much on scalar freedom and proposes a theory of status freedom as effective control self-ownership—simply, freedom as the power to say no. This exciting new volume argues for and explores the implications of this theory of freedom. It shows that most societies today put the poor in situations in which they lack this crucial freedom, making them vulnerable to poverty, exploitation, and injustice. Widerquist argues that the basic income guarantee is an appropriate institution to help secure status freedom in a modern industrial society.”

Karl Widerquist is an associate professor in Political Philosophy at the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in Qatar. This book is the first of two planned books examining a theory of justice he called “justice as the pursuit of accord.”

This book is part of Palgrave-Macmillan’s series “Exploring the Basic Income Guarantee.”

Widerquist, Karl, Independence, Propertylessness, and Basic Income: A Theory of Freedom as the Power to Say No, Palgrave Macmillan, March 2013. ISBN: 978-1-137-27472-4, ISBN10: 1-137-27472-7, 5.500 x 8.500 inches, 256 pages, $100.

Publisher’s book page
Publisher’s series page
A Kindle Edition is available on Amazon.com

Brussels, Belgium, 15 March 2013: Activation policies for the unemployed, right to work and freedom of work

Following an interdisciplinary perspective (law, history, philosophy and sociology), this international symposium aims to clarify the relationships between activation policies, right to work and freedom of work. One prospective session will discuss two alternatives to the current “activation model”: the basic income guarantee and the employment guarantee (with Yannick Vanderborght from Louvain University, and Phil Harvey from Rutgers University respectively).

Further details and registration at: https://www.uclouvain.be/431261

MURRA, Emanuele (2012), Basic Income, freedom and development in the South

Starting from Amartya Sen’s ideas about freedom and development, the article discusses the idea of basic income and its potential to promote both development and protective security. The theoretical analysis is connected with the empirical data of the first project that monitored the effects of basic income on a real community, the village of Otjivero-Omitara in Namibia.

Full references: MURRA, Emanuele (2012), ‘Basic income, libertà e sviluppo per i paesi del Sud del mondo. Il caso del villaggio di Otjivero-Omitara’ (Basic Income, freedom and development to Southern Countries. The case of the village of Otjivero-Omitara) in M. Signore, L. Cuccurachi (eds.), Libertà democratiche e Sviluppo, Pensa Multimedia, Lecce 2012, pp. 177-186.

A pdf copy is avaible here:

Quiggin, John. “The Golden Age: The 15-hour working week predicted by Keynes may soon be within our grasp—but are we ready for freedom from toil?”

This article reviews Keyne’s 1930 prediction that economic growth would so make possible the 15-hour workweek. The author, John Quiggin, argues that the failure of the prediction to come true happened not because of a failure of economic growth but because of policy decisions that have concentrated the gains of economic growth on people at the top of the income distribution. As a part of the solution, he argue for a guaranteed minimum income (another word for a basic income guarantee). John Quiggin is a professor of economics and the University of Queensland in Australia. He is the author of Zombie Economics.

The article is online at: https://www.aeonmagazine.com/living-together/john-quiggin-keynesian-utopiav1