INTERNATIONAL: Basic Income Week Starts Tomorrow

Basic Income Week or Reddit

Basic Income Week or Reddit

The Seventh International Basic Income Week begins tomorrow (Monday, September 15, 2014) and runs through Sunday, September 21. Basic Income (BI) week is “a yearly event for promotion of Basic Income.” BI is an unconditional cash income granted to all citizens without means test or work requirement. BI week will include dozens of events in at least nine countries and cyberspace events originating from more than six more countries.

Peter Barnes

Peter Barnes

The Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN)’s contribution to BI Week will be a series of live internet interviews called “AMAs” (“Ask Me Anything”), in which people all around the world will be able to type in questions and have them answered live by experts. Participants will include some of the key activists who have brought basic income to the forefront of contemporary politics; noted authors such as Peter Barnes and Marshall Brain; experts in fields such as economics, philosophy, sociology, Christianity, feminism, and automation. Participants will be from countries all around the world including, the United States, Mexico, the United Kingdom, France, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Germany, Qatar, Korea, Japan, and more. There will be at least one and as many as four AMAs per day all week. Karl Widerquist, co-chair of BIEN, will kick off the AMA series starting at Noon (Eastern Time, USA) on Monday, September 15. Louise Haagh, co-chair, and Anja Askeland, secretary of BIEN will close the series with an AMA starting at 1pm (Eastern Time, USA) on September 21.

BI Week in Germany

BI Week in Germany

BI Week in Austria includes lectures, workshops, discussions, free meals, radio shows, and a street action. The Belgian program includes events French and English in all three Belgian regions. Basic Income UK will launch of a UBI support statement during International UBI week, with a discussion about basic income on September 16th 19:00 tot 21:00 in London. BI Week in the Czech Republic will include a film, an outdoor workshop, and even a drum jam session for basic income. Events in France will take place in Nantes, Paris, Bordeaux, Nice, and Montpellier, and they will include films, lectures, discussions, and a conference. The largest and most diverse program of BI Week events will be in Germany, which has scheduled 5 to 11 events each day all across the country. The Hungarian program includes three days of discussions; a debate; a forum bringing together a politician, an economist, and an activist; a film; an activist program for the BIG Movement. BIN Italy presents a BI Week meeting entitled, “Fundamental Rights: Europe and the Guaranteed Income.” The program for the Netherlands includes events in Amsterdam, Borger, Tilburg, Zoetermeer, and several other cities.

Anja Askeland

Anja Askeland

Links to BI Week events

Basic Income Week

Basic Income Week

INTERNATIONAL: BIEN releases schedule for its Basic Income AMA Series: The 7th Annual International Basic Income Week, September 15-21, 2014



The Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN) has released the tentative schedule for its series of Internet events on the Seventh Annual International Basic Income Week, September 15-21, 2014. Each event will be an “Ask Me Anything” (also know as AMA or sometimes as “As Us Anything”). In these events, an expert in a given topic promises to be available for a given amount of time to type answers to questions submitted from anyone around the world. The AMAs will appear on Reddit. The following presenters have been confirmed for the following times. A few more are still to be confirmed. Additions will be announced on and

Date | Time (EDT) | Subreddit | Name | Bio

15th | 12 pm | /r/IAmA | Karl Widerquist | Co-chair of BIEN, Associate Professor at SFS-Qatar, Georgetown University, editor of Basic Income News, and author of A Theory of Freedom as the Power to Say No

15th | 1 pm | /r/Futurology | Marshall Brain | Founder of, entrepreneur, and author of Manna and Robot Nation & Robotic Freedom

16th | 5 am | /r/BasicIncome | Toru Fujimori | Executive committee member of BIEN in Japan and co-founder of Japanese Association for Feminist Economics

16th | 11 am | /r/IAmA | Michael Bohmeyer | German entrepreneur and founder of Mein Grundeinkommen “My Basic Income”, a successfully crowdfunded basic income

16th | 12 pm | /r/BasicIncome | Adriaan Planken | President of the Vereniging Basisinkomen (NL). Helped organize the “European Citizens Initiative for an Unconditional Basic Income

16th | 2 pm | /r/IAmA | Peter Barnes | Author of Who Owns the Sky?, Capitalism 3.0, and With Liberty and Dividends for all

17th | 10 am | /r/BasicIncome | Popho E.S. Bark-Yi | Feminist scholar whose major research interests are basic income, sexuality, gender, queer theory, emotion, and patriarchal capitalism. Steering committee member of Basic Income Korean Network (BIKN)

17th | 1 pm | /r/IAmA | Ed Dolan | Economist and blogger at Ed Dolan’s Econ Blog; author of the textbook Introduction to Economics from BVT Publishing. Ph.D. in economics from Yale with many years of experience teaching economics in the U.S. and Europe

17th | 4 pm | /r/TwoXChromosomes | Ann Withorn and Shawn Cassiman | Ann-Withorn, Ph.D. is Professor of Social Policy, Emeritus. University of Massachusetts/Boston. Shawn-Cassiman, MSW, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor at the University of Dayton in Ohio

18th | 10 am | /r/BasicIncome | Mike Howard | Editor of Basic Income Studies, coordinator of USBIG, and a socialist philosopher at the University of Maine-Orono, with expertise on the Alaska dividend & the cap-and-dividend approach to global warming

18th | 8 pm | /r/BasicIncome | Pablo Yanes Rizo | of Red Mexicana Ingreso Ciudadano Universal (BIEN’s affiliate in Mexico)

18th | 10 pm | /r/BasicIncome | Hyosang Ahn | Director of the Basic Income Korean Network (BIKN) and editor of the Left Monthly

19th | 12:30 pm | /r/Philosophy | Jason Murphy and Gaura Rader | Jason Murphy is a philosopher at Elms College and Gaura Rader is a philosopher at Ohio University and of the Socratic Diablogues

19th | 1 pm | /r/Christianity | Charles Clark | Professor of Economics, Tobin College of Business, and Senior Fellow, Vincentian Center for Church and Society, St. John’s University, New York

19th | 2 pm | /r/Europe | Unconditional Basic Income Europe | Barb Jacobson, Stanislas Jourdan, and Enno Schmidt, of Universal Basic Income Europe and leaders of people’s initiatives that raised a total of more than 400,000 signatures for basic income in 2013-2014

19th | 10 pm | /r/IAmA | Generation B.I.G. | Juon Kim, Télémaque Masson, and Stanislas Jourdan of Generation B.I.G., a new youth group recently organized to pursue basic income activism

20th | 10 am | /r/IAmA | Jeffery Smith | Edits The Progress Report, contributor at TruthOut, and is published in the academic press. Coined “Citizen’s Dividend” and “geonomics”. A member of the International Society for Ecological Economics and of Mensa

21st | 1 pm | /r/IAmA | Louise Haagh and Anja Askeland | Louise Haag, co-chair of BIEN and Reader in politics and the University of York (UK) and Anja Askeland, Secretary of BIEN and member of BIEN-Norway



NEW YORK: The 14th North American Basic Income Guarantee Congress, Feb. 26 – Mar. 1, 2015

Peter Barnes

Peter Barnes

The 14th Annual North American Basic Income Guarantee (NABIG) Congress will be held in conjunction with the Eastern Economic Association in New York, NY, Thursday, February 26 – Sunday, March 1, 2015. The call for participants will be released soon. The deadline for participant submissions is October 31, 2015. The NABIG Congress is a joint meeting of the U.S. Basic Income Guarantee (USBIG) Network and the Basic Income Canada Network (BICN). It takes place each year, rotating between the United States and Canada. Features Speakers include Peter Barnes: entrepreneur, environmental activist, and author of a half-dozen books, including, Who Owns the Sky?, Capitalism 3.0, and With Liberty and Dividends for All.

Essential information:

  • Conference dates: Thursday, February 26 – Sunday, March 1, 2015
  • The deadline for participant submissions: October 31, 2014f
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Organizing committee: Karl Widerquist <> (organizer), Ann Withorn <>, Shawn Cassiman <>, and a BICN representative to be named later.
Eastern Economic Association

Eastern Economic Association

INTERNATIONAL: BIEN announces list of speakers for its “Ask Me Anything” series of internet interviews on, September 15-21, 2014


The Basic Income Subreddit

The Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN) has announced the list of speakers for its “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) series of internet interviews, which will take place on the Reddit website. The interviews will be text only and open to everyone. Anyone in the world can type in a question. The AMA series will take place during the Seventh Annual International Basic Income Week, September 15-21, 2014.

Reddit is one of the world’s most popular websites, last year receiving 731 million unique visitors and 56 billion page views. The Basic Income community on Reddit has recently experience enormous growth, rising from 50 users last summer to over 16,000 today

Participants in BIEN’s AMA series include:

  • Karl Widerquist, co-chair of BIEN, Associate Professor at SFS-Qatar, Georgetown University, editor of Basic Income News, and author of A Theory of Freedom as the Power to Say No
  • Peter Barnes, author of Who Owns the Sky?, Capitalism 3.0, and With Liberty and Dividends for all
  • Barb Jacobson, Stanislas Jourdin, and Enno Schmidt, of Universal Basic Income Europe and leaders of people’s initiatives that raise a total of more than 400,000 signatures for basic income in 2013-2014
  • Mike Howard, editor of Basic Income Studies, coordinator of USBIG, and a socialist philosopher at the University of Maine-Orono, with expertise on the Alaska dividend & the cap-and-dividend approach to global warming
  • Ann Withorn, of the University of Massachusetts-Boston and USBIG and Shawn Cassiman, of USBIG
  • Jeff Smith, of the Geonomy Society
  • Jason Murphy, philosopher at Elms College and Gaura Rader, philosopher at Ohio University and of the Socratic Diablogues,
  • Pablo Yannes, of Red Mexicana Ingreso Ciudadano Universal (BIEN’s affiliate in Mexico)
  • Juon Kim Télémaque Masson of Basic Income Generation
  • Mike Munger, Libertarian economist at Duke University
  • Toru Yamamori, of Doshisha University and BIEN-Japan
  • Hysong Ahn, of the Basic Income Korean Netowrk
  • Louise Haag, co-chair of BIEN and Reader in politics and the University of York (UK) and Anja Askeland, Secretary of BIEN and member of BIEN-Norway
  • Adriaan Planken, of UBIE-the Netherlands
  • Mark Walker, of New Mexico State Univesity, and James Hughes, of the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies, Oxford University
  • Marshall Brain, founder of, entrepreneur, and author
  • Ed Dolan, author of Economics of Public Policy
  • Charles M.A. Clark, of St. John’s University
  • Michael Bohmeyer, entrepreneur and founder of “My basic income”

The Basic Income Subreddit is online at:

Information about the grown of the BI Subreddit is online at:

The IAMA subreddit is online at:

More information about the AMA series will be announced soon.

