MEDRED, Craig, Mar 20, 2011, “All hail Comrade Palin, Hero of the Proletariat!”

Alaska Dispatch

This opinion piece revives the decades-old practice of “red-bating. It red-bates Alaska’s Permanent Fund Dividend and all of its supporters, including Sarah Palin as “socialist.” The author would prefer that the oil companies operating in Alaska not be changed any fee at all for removing the oil from Alaska. By implication, anyone who thinks oil corporations should pay at least some fee for the benefit of the people of the state is a socialist.

The article is reprint on the following blog: Syrin’s Blog, Wasilla, Alaska

Book reviews by Karl Widerquist

In USBIG Newsletter Winter 2011, Karl Widerquist discusses two books on the Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend: Dave Rose and Charles Wohlforth. 2008. Saving For the Future: My Life and the Alaska Permanent Fund. Kenmore, WA: Epicenter Press.
Hammond, Jay S. 1994. Tales of Alaska’s Bush Rat Governor. Kenmore, WA: Epicenter Press.

New blogs at USBIG

The USBIG Network has added two blogs to its website: the Alaska Dividend Blog and the Basic Income Guarantee Blog. Both have news and opinion on those topics going back to 2000, and both will continue to be updated periodically. Both allow for reader comments and feedback. They’re online at:

CHOI, Gwang-Eun (2011), Basic Income for Everyone: An Aspiring Project Shaking the Earth of the 21st Century

CHOI, Gwang-Eun (2011), Basic Income for Everyone: An Aspiring Project Shaking the Earth of the 21st Century, Seoul: Jong-Cheol Park Publishing Co., January 2011, 256 pages, ISBN: 978-89-85022-56-9 94330.

This book is the first introductory work on a basic income in Korea. Guy Standing, honorary co-president of BIEN and Nam-Hoon Kang, president of BIKN wrote their foreword especially for it.

It contains five chapters. The 1st chapter covers diverse experiences concerning a basic income such as the BI Law in Brazil, the BIG pilot project in Namibia, the PFD in Alaska, and the various ongoing disputes in Germany. The 2nd chapter introduces the theoretical and historical backgrounds of a basic income. The 3rd chapter discusses the Korean situation and is trying to find the way to implement a basic income in Korea. The 4th chapter argues that the new Korean disability pension be converted and integrated into a basic income. The 5th chapter consists of the two interviews with Guy Standing and Ozawa Shuji, president of BIJN, and author’s report on the 13th BIEN congress.

Gwang-Eun Choi is a committee member of BIKN and a former representative of the Socialist Party.

ALI, Saleem H. Gary FLOMENHOFT, February 17, 2011, “Innovating Sovereign Wealth Funds”

Policy Innovations: For a fairer globalization

This opinion piece discusses Sovereign Wealth Funds and Alaska-style dividends as a way to ensure transparency in resource revenue and a way to ensure the people benefit from natural resource revenue. Saleem H. Ali is professor of environmental planning at the University of Vermont and director of the Institute for Environmental Diplomacy and Security. Gary Flomenhoft is a fellow of the Gund Institute for Ecological Economics at the University of Vermont and an advisor to the Vermont legislature on natural resources policy. The article is online at: