Sam Bowman, “The Negative Income Tax and Basic Income are pretty much the same thing”

[Josh Martin]

This post seeks to equate the Negative Income Tax (NIT) and the Basic Income (BI).  Bowman’s main point is that both policies effectively withdraw the benefits as earned income rises, but it is withdrawn at the front end in the NIT and at the back end in the BI through a modified tax system.

Sam Bowman, “The Negative Income Tax and Basic Income are pretty much the same thing”, Adam Smith Institute, 23 May 2014.

Gaura Rader, “Basic Income vs. Negative Income Tax: Why supporters of basic income should be in favor of a negative income tax”

[Josh Martin]

In Rader’s latest post on the basic income, he discuesses the two policies broadly referred to as basic income guarantees: the universal basic income (UBI) and the negative income tax (NIT).  Rader admits to preferring a UBI, but in this post calls on UBI supporters to also support an NIT because of its political viability among other reasons.  Rader then raises the main arguments and drawbacks of both policies.

Gaura Rader, “Basic Income vs. Negative Income Tax: Why supporters of basic income should be in favor of a negative income tax”, Socratic Diablogs, 6 August 2014.

Gaura Rader (Source: The Socratic Diablogs)

Gaura Rader (Source: The Socratic Diablogs)

The Conversative, “Should the Conservative Party adopt a Negative Income Tax?”

[Josh Martin]

The author of this post begins by highlighting the issues with the current benefits system in the UK: it is too confusing, too complex, and too inefficient.  Further, the recent emphasis on employment as the best route out of poverty has proven false. Research has shown that even full-time work cannot guarantee one’s financial well-being.  The author then shows why the recently created Universal Credit will fail and why the ideal benefits system is a negative income tax that establishes a guaranteed minimum income (much like a basic income).  This system will save the government money and will help ease the transition into an even more technological economy.

The Conversative, “Should the Conservative Party adopt a Negative Income Tax?”, The ConVersative, 7 July 2014.

Negative Income Tax Scenarios (Credit: The ConVersative)

Negative Income Tax Scenarios (Credit: The ConVersative)

Paris, France: Conference on negative income tax

On May 28th, 2014, the liberal think tank “Generation Libre” (Free Generation) organizes a conference on its proposed negative income tax (called “Revenu de liberté”, or Freedom Income). The conference will focus on a study by Marc de Basquiat and Gaspard Koenig. The authors will discuss with Lionel Stoleru, who proposed a similar scheme in France 40 years ago.

The conference will take place in Paris, on May 28th at 8:30AM. For further information and registration, click here.