Podcast on Basic Income #6 (13/11/18)

Respective Links:
0:32 The United Kingdom – Mehdi Hasan

1:17 Switzerland – Enno Schmidt

1:47 The United States – The New York Times

2:38 The United States – Fox news

2:53 The United States – A Petition at the Whitehouse.gov

3:32 Belgium – Philippe Van Parijs

4:13 Canada – Edward Miller

4:24 Canada – BICN

5:01 Book Review – Allan Sheahen

You can reach us via Twitter: https://twitter.com/BINews

Annie Lowrey, “Switzerland’s Proposal to Pay People for Being Alive”

"Take one income, please." -Illustration by Kelsey Dake, the New York Times

“Take one income, please.” -Illustration by Kelsey Dake, the New York Times

News of the forthcoming Swiss referendum on the Basic Income proposal continues to make inroads in the popular press; this time across the Atlantic where The New York Times features this important political moment in a positive light. The article runs through the manifold arguments in favour of the idea, elaborates on the different types of proposal that could come into being (i.e. unconditional/means tested), how it appeals both to left and right persuasions, and charts its historical roots both in North America and elsewhere. Significantly, the author recognises its potential and how it could make sense in the United States too (i.e. helping to address its current social ills such as stagnant wages, high and stubborn long term employment): ‘If our economy is no longer able to improve the lives of the working poor and low-income families, why not tweak our policies to do what we’re already doing, but better — more harmoniously? It’s hardly uplifting news, but minimum incomes just might be stimmig [‘coherent, harmonious and beautiful’] for the United States too’. More importantly still, the author senses the idea may just sneak into the Swiss system. Such a hunch reflects a discernable quickening and intensification of the momentum gathering behind the Basic Income proposal.

Annie Lowrey. Switzerland’s Proposal to Pay People for Being Alive,” The New York Times, November 12, 2013.


SWITZERLAND: Citizen’s initiative formally accepted

[Original by Enno Schmidt & Daniel Straub, translated by Joerg Drescher]

Volksinitiative zum GrundeinkommenToday [November 8, 2013], the Federal Chancellery of Switzerland announced that the citizen’s initiative for an Unconditional Basic Income has been formally accepted. It stated that after the validation of the signatures on 4 October, 126,408 valid signatures were submitted. Thus, the Federal Chancellery of Switzerland confirms formally: There will be a national referendum [on Unconditional Basic Income].

Now, the Federal Council will consider Basic Income and prepare a report on it. This will take about one year. Afterwards there will be a debate in the parliament. The national referendum will follow in two to three years. The question is: Should each person in the country receive the financial basis for a living unconditionally?

Source (in German):
Enno Schmidt &  Daniel Straub, “Volksinitiative zum Grundeinkommen formell zustande gekommen,” grundeinkommen.ch, November 8, 2013: https://www.grundeinkommen.ch/volksinitiative-zum-grundeinkommen-formell-zustande-gekommen/

AUDIO: Aaron Schachter [Interview with Karl Widerquist], “$2750 a month for every adult, guaranteed? Switzerland's considering it”

In this 3-minute, 46-second interview, host Aaron Schacter asks Karl Widerquist about Switzerland’s petition drive that has successfully mandated a national referendum on basic income. Schachter uses the opportunity to discuss basic income more generally and asks Widerquist whether the idea sounds “kooky.” Karl Widerquist is an Associate Professor at SFS-Q, Georgetown University and co-chair of the Basic Income Earth Network.

Aaron Schachter, “$2750 a month for every adult, guaranteed? Switzerland’s considering it,” PRI’s The World, Producer: Emily Files, October 14, 2013.

Five cent coins are pictured in the air in front of the Federal Palace in Bern, Switzerland, during an event organized by the committee proposing a minimum monthly household income of 2,500 Swiss francs for every adult citizen living in Switzerland. - Credit: Denis Balibouse/Reuters

Five cent coins are pictured in the air in front of the Federal Palace in Bern, Switzerland, during an event organized by the committee proposing a minimum monthly household income of 2,500 Swiss francs for every adult citizen living in Switzerland. - Credit: Denis Balibouse/Reuters