Thomas Wells, “How to end global poverty: Just give money to the poor”

This article argues for BIG in terms of logistics, costs, effectiveness, and flexibility.

Thomas Wells, “How to end global poverty: Just give money to the poor.” Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC): Religion and Ethics: Opinion. 24 Feb 2014.

"The main impediment to effective global action against poverty is not the amorality of rich world citizens or politicians, but cynicism that anything we try can make a positive difference." Photo: via ABC

“The main impediment to effective global action against poverty is not the amorality of rich world citizens or politicians, but cynicism that anything we try can make a positive difference.” Photo: via ABC

Christopher Blattman and Paul Niehaus, “Show Them the Money: Why Giving Cash Helps Alleviate Poverty.”

SUMMARY: This article does not directly mention basic income, but the arguments within it for moving in that direction are clear. The authors argue, “Cash grants to the poor are as good as many traditional forms of aid when it comes to reducing poverty. … Fears that poor people waste cash are simply not borne out by the available data.” They argue that traditional forms of assistance waste a lot of money that direct cash grants do not.

Christopher Blattman and Paul Niehaus, “Show Them the Money: Why Giving Cash Helps Alleviate Poverty. Foreign Affairs, May/June 2014 Issue.

Megan McArdle, “How a basic income in the U.S. could increase global poverty.”

Megan McArdle  -Wikipedia

Megan McArdle -Wikipedia

SUMMARY: interviewee, conservative blogger Megan McArdle, argues against the Basic Income Guarantee, saying that it couldn’t replace the existing social welfare system, as some of her fellow conservatives suggest.

Instead, she says it would end up doubling the federal budget.

And at the same time, because the U.S. would have to halt immigration from poorer countries, she fears it would increase global poverty.

Megan McArdle, “How a basic income in the U.S. could increase global poverty.” PBS News Hour.” [a PBS Interview with Megan McArdle], April 18, 2014

Instituting a basic income in the United States, Megan McArdle says, would require closing off immigration to the U.S. from low-skilled countries. Photo by Flickr user BBC World Service, via PBS

Instituting a basic income in the United States, Megan McArdle says, would require closing off immigration to the U.S. from low-skilled countries. Photo by Flickr user BBC World Service, via PBS