BIEN | Opinion
Opinion Posts
Here you will find articles expressing opinions about current issues in the Basic Income debate. Opinions expressed are not necessarily the opinions of BIEN.
Marc de Basquiat L’ingénieur du revenu universel
Dans L’ingénieur du revenu universel, c’est à un voyage de découverte que Marc de Basquiat nous convie sur le sujet du revenu de base. Chaque chapitre part d’une expérience personnelle pour illustrer son propos et marque un jalon dans son développement intellectuel....
Polls Indicate Support For Basic Income Increased From 8-to-1 Against to 3-to-1 in Favor Between 2011 to 2021
Two polls conducted in 2021 both found that a substantial majority of Americans now support Universal Basic Income (UBI) or some form of Guaranteed Income. One survey, conducted by Data for Progress, found that 55% of Americans support UBI while 39% oppose it. Another...
The Essential Reason I Support UBI
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This article is a draft of the first chapter of the book I'm working on: Universal Basic Income: Essential Knowledge. It can also be thought of as a reply to Bitch Bastardly's guest article from last week. Comments welcome:
A Simple Solution to End the Labor Shortage in Five Minutes
By Guest Blogger, Bitch Bastardly Workers aren’t working for the wages we’re offering as much as they used to. Five million fewer Americans are working now than were working in June of 2019. That’s 3.33% of the U.S. labor force—a shortage! Think about what that means:...
A luta continua: A Memorable Day for Eduardo and BIEN
The ancient Greeks had three Gods of Time, and on the auspicious occasion of the 80th birthday of one of our most loyal and outstanding BIEN members, it is a delight to be able to congratulate Eduardo Suplicy, and to say that he defies one of those Gods, Chronos,...
The Prehistory of Private Property: Chapter-by-Chapter Summary
The book, the Prehistory of Private Property by Grant S. McCall an me, examines the origin and development of the private property rights system from prehistory to the present day to debunk three widely accepted false beliefs about the private property system: that...
‘The Tyranny of Merit’ by Michael J. Sandel
Book Review by Dr. Jan Stroeken Michael j. Sandel has written a book about the deep causes of the inequality that is a key driving force behind the populist backlash of recent years. His analysis serves as a basis for justification of the introduction of a universal...
‘Forward to a better world!’ International Basic Income Week 2021 starts organizing
by Robin Ketelaars HistoryMatthias Dilthey called for a day of basic income in 2006, which unfortunately received little support at the time.* The first week of the basic income was held in 2008 and was designed as a sub-project of the EU-funded “Basic Income on the...
‘Could a basic income support a circular economy?’ summary of the discussion on Basic Income Network Scotland
With the increase in research on the circular economy system, the basic income and circular economy relationship has also started to be considered. For example, this relationship was examined in the article ‘‘How could a Basic Income support a Circular...
Korea’s youth dividend sparking discussion of basic income before Presidential election
With Gyeonggi province, BIKN and a member of the national assembly from the Basic Income party was elected in 2020. This demonstrates basic income is becoming a widely discussed issue in Korea.
European Basic Income: A post-COVID recovery strategy
A social policy analyst from Slovenia, suggested that the European Commission examine the idea of a European Universal Basic Income. The UBI would be paid directly from the ECB’s “helicopter money.” The suggestion was made within the debate of the European Social Pillar Action Plan. The proposal stems from the observed shortcomings of the current social security systems related to the COVID-19 crisis, the efforts of the United States, India and many other countries made in this direction and the research done by OECD, IMF, ILO, UNICEF, European and Slovenian experts. This proposal is not the same as the European Citizens’ Initiative ”Start Unconditional Basic Incomes (UBI) throughout the EU”, for which signatures were collected starting on 25 September 2020. However, this proposal does take a similar direction as the European Citizens’ Initiative. One day Europeans will receive a local, national, European and global basic income to safeguard and foster democracy and ecological-economic development.
National Assembly in France decides to explore ‘Socle Citoyen’
Editor’s note: The use of the term ‘basic income’ or 'universal income' here does not correspond to BIEN’s definition of basic income, since the payments each month will fluctuate with income. ‘Socle citoyen’ corresponds more closely to a Negative Income Tax, adjusted...