BIEN | News

News on the global Basic Income debate

British farmers call for a “UBI” for farmers

British farmers call for a “UBI” for farmers

Note: What the farmers are asking for does not meet the BIEN definition of a Basic Income since it is restricted to farmers. " Farmers are calling for the government to grant them a universal basic income, saying the post-Brexit agriculture subsidy scheme has left...

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New Report on Cambridge MA Guaranteed Income Pilot

New Report on Cambridge MA Guaranteed Income Pilot

"In September 2021, Mayor Sumbul Siddiqui and the Cambridge Community Foundation launched the Cambridge Recurring Income for Success & Empowerment (RISE) guaranteed income (GI) pilot. Designed to address growing economic disparities and racial inequities,...

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Launch of Indian Basic Income Coalition (iBIC)

Launch of Indian Basic Income Coalition (iBIC)

"While India is a rich site of several Basic Income Pilots held by Research and Governmental agencies, there is a recent uptrend in the number of cash-based social policies in several states, especially with evidence that shows a marked increase in several indicators...

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New UBI PhD Network

New UBI PhD Network

Hi All, We are an international group of PhD students interested in questions surrounding basic income. And we are very happy to announce a new initiative: the UBI PhD Network. Our goal is to connect young researchers working on UBI (and closely related topics)...

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Basic Income

A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement. Read more

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