BIEN | News

News on the global Basic Income debate

Thank you to Louise Haagh

Thank you to Louise Haagh

Louise Haagh has served as Co-chair and Chair of BIEN for a total of three terms of office, and has decided not to stand again for the post of Chair at the forthcoming Executive Committee elections. At its meeting on the 6th September the Executive Committee expressed...

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GoodDollar launch

GoodDollar launch

GoodDollar has launched what it calls the 'GoodDollar basic income'. GoodDollar wraps around yield-generating decentralized finance protocols. Those funds are used to mint a reserve-backed crypto-asset (G$), which is used for yield-payouts to Supporters who staked...

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Basic Income at the Bristol Festival of Ideas

Basic Income at the Bristol Festival of Ideas

On Tuesday 13th October, a debate on 'Is it time for Universal Basic Income' will take place as part of the Bristol Festival of Ideas. At this conference, organised by the Institute for Policy Research at the University of Bath and Bristol Festival of Ideas, leading...

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International Basic Income Week 2020

International Basic Income Week 2020

International Basic Income Week starts on the 14th September this year. The motto is ‘Freedom to Choose’. To read a longer article about International Basic Income Week 2020, click here Plan your events for 2020. Click here. The calendar of events can be found here....

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Basic Income Grant in Namibia relaunch

Basic Income Grant in Namibia relaunch

From 2008 to 2009 Namibia hosted a globally significant Basic Income pilot project. The coalition behind the project relaunched today to ask for a Basic Income for Namibia. For details of the launch event click here. Speakers at the event included Uhuru Dempers (Desk...

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Basic Income

A Basic Income is a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement. Read more

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